vue.js: failure to set multiple classes with a variable part

Advertisements I need to add few different classes on a div: one is static, another one with a variable, the last one is depending on a inner prop. The next option fails: nothing’s in the output <div v-for="card in cards" :key="" class="card" :class="{`card${card.rank}`,’cardFade’:isFadeProp}"> <span class="card__number">{{ card.rank }} </span> </div> Looks like a problem is in… Read More vue.js: failure to set multiple classes with a variable part

Create JS classes dynamically while looping through object

Advertisements I’d like to create some kind of factory to automate the process of creating JS classes. The factory should loop through an object that contains classes names and their respective parameters. The following simplified code sample hopefully demonstrates what I mean: // function for dependency injection addNumbers = (numbers) => { let result =… Read More Create JS classes dynamically while looping through object

using dynamic type in C# and accessing elements array from JSON (dynamic type and DynamicJsonObject)

Advertisements i have a json string taken from a 3rd party API. however this third party API, we dont know the exact JSON definitions of it and has a lot of attribute, we just know that they have the information that we need on it here is an example { "exp": 1670979934, "iat": 1670979634, "auth_time":… Read More using dynamic type in C# and accessing elements array from JSON (dynamic type and DynamicJsonObject)

Using fetch API to get JSON from a url, is there function that allows me to create unique DIVs for each string of the received JSON?

Advertisements Using something like this to get JSON fetch(‘;) is there a JS function that would allow me to create a div for each string in the received JSON? I’ve tried trying to alter the code below to satisfy my needs, but have been failing. const promise = fetch ( ‘;); promise .then (( response… Read More Using fetch API to get JSON from a url, is there function that allows me to create unique DIVs for each string of the received JSON?

Why does the free() function affect the value of the first 4 elements of an array?

Advertisements I’m currently learning about dynamic memory allocation in C, and I’m following a tutorial from I’ve modified the code, like so: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int size = 0; printf("Enter size: "); scanf("%d", &size); int *a = calloc(size, sizeof(int)); // initialize the array with some values for (int i =… Read More Why does the free() function affect the value of the first 4 elements of an array?

Trying to Add more than 2 variables in Logic App Cosmos DB

Advertisements Requirement in Logic App : Need to add 4 variables into a single variable. I am using the expression Add(Variable1, variable2, variable3, variable4) But it throws the below error. Is there any other way to add 4 variables(int). >Solution : Compound them, i.e. use this concept … add(add(add(variables(‘Number 1’), variables(‘Number 2’)), variables(‘Number 3’)), variables(‘Number… Read More Trying to Add more than 2 variables in Logic App Cosmos DB