How to pass object as parameter to javascript using flutter_js?

I need to run javascript code in my Flutter project. I use flutter_js for this. I can pass int (or String) value as parameter to javascript, for example: String blocJs = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/js/bloc.js"); final jsResult = jsRuntime.evaluate(blocJs + """add($firstNumber, $secondNumber)"""); But I need to pass object as parameter to javascript code. Is it possible? >Solution… Read More How to pass object as parameter to javascript using flutter_js?

Is it possible to use JS visual libraries (e.g. Chart.js or D3.js) in Flutter?

If it is possible, how exactly does it work? Maybe it’s possible to access Flutter’s Canvas widget through JS? My best guess for this would be the flutter_js package. >Solution : I wouldn’t say that it’s not possible, but in order to implement it from the start will be very hard and long work. instead… Read More Is it possible to use JS visual libraries (e.g. Chart.js or D3.js) in Flutter?