Japanese characters are not bound to angular formControl

Create simple angular project with input control Typed Japanese characters are not bound to input control <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="title" (input)="articleNameEntered()"/> title = ”; articleNameEntered() { console.log(‘title’, this.title); } **# **expected result **** japnese character should print in console try following approach use keyup event for hostlistner still getting english character in event properties >Solution :… Read More Japanese characters are not bound to angular formControl

Output results to a windows form- textbox or lable

I am trying to get my network adapter results to output to a textbox or label in a windows form. The output is perfect when shown in the console, but when it outputs to the form all I get is a bunch Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.FormatStartData Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.GroupStartData below is the powershell code I am using $NIC_Status=Get-NetAdapter * |… Read More Output results to a windows form- textbox or lable

Django: Select a valid choice. [..] is not one of the available choices using TextChoices

as per the title says, here’s my error upon the process of validation of a form. Select a valid choice. 1 is not one of the available choices. Here’s the different pieces of code I have. models.py: class Cat(models.Model): class Sex(models.TextChoices): M = 1, ‘Male’ F = 2, ‘Female’ sex = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=Sex.choices, blank=False, null=False) forms.py:… Read More Django: Select a valid choice. [..] is not one of the available choices using TextChoices

Simple html form in Django

Could you please help me, I don’t understand why html+css don’t work as expected in Django. I use a simple form to upload two files, but it looks really ugly. index.html without id="upload_container" <div class="page_thirdblock thirdblock"> <div class="thirdblock__container _container"> <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="upload1"> {% csrf_token %} <input type="file" name="upload_file"> <input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="form_1"> <button type="submit">Upload… Read More Simple html form in Django