Parse simple JSON into dataframe with R

A seemingly simple JSON file that I would like to parse with R: tmp_extract <- "{\"encrypted_values\":[{\"name_a\":\"value_a\"}, {\"name_b\":\"value_b\"}, {\"name_c\":\"value_c\"}]}" An attempt with jsonlite::fromJSON produces a dataframe with as many columns as there are names and only a value per column. tmp_extract |> jsonlite::fromJSON() $encrypted_values name_a name_b name_c 1 value_a <NA> <NA> 2 <NA> value_b <NA> 3… Read More Parse simple JSON into dataframe with R

How to make input string value to json object

I have a jquery variable like this : var d1 = [{text:’t1′,value:’1′},{text:’t2′,value:’2′},{text:’t3′,value:’3′},{text:’t4′,value:’4′}]; console.log(d1); When i display it in console.log, i have something similar to the image below Now if i had an input in html like this : <input id="txtstr" name="txtstr" value="[{text:’t1′,value:’1′},{text:’t2′,value:’2′}, {text:’t3′,value:’3′},{text:’t4′,value:’4′}]" type="text" /> in console.log i have : console.log($("#txtstr").val()); I want to have… Read More How to make input string value to json object

Using python to generate json unexpectedly wrapping strings into lists

I am using the python json module to generate test data for a javascript program. numerical data produces the expected "name": value output but strings are being wrapped into lists like ** "name" : [ "value"]** My code. I have truncated the data somewhat but it still runs. import json import random import uuid entry_template… Read More Using python to generate json unexpectedly wrapping strings into lists

Iterate over JSON object, find key and value, return an object where it's found

I have a complex JSON that has nested objects and arrays. E.g. [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Foo", "Cached": true, "Accessories": [2, 4, 16], "Promo": [{"Type": 1, "Date": "null", "Priority": 1}, …], … }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Bar", "Cached": false, "Accessories": [16, 32, 64], "Promo": [{"Type": 2, "Date": "null", "Priority": 2}, …], … },… Read More Iterate over JSON object, find key and value, return an object where it's found

Fetch JSON Data using JS and PHP SQL Query

function fetchBooks() { fetch(‘biblebooks.php’) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(‘Network response was not ok’); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { // Handle the data retrieved from the server console.log(data); // Modify this to update your dropdown menus }) .catch(error => { // Handle errors console.error(‘There was a problem with the fetch… Read More Fetch JSON Data using JS and PHP SQL Query

CSV to JSON parsing creating an empty array

I’m very new to javascript (this is my first project) and I’m currently trying to parse a CSV file to a JSON. My current code looks like this: document.getElementById("Import").onclick = async function importData() { const responce = await fetch(‘Books.csv’) const data = await responce.text() const rows = data.split(‘/n’).slice(1) console.log(data) console.log(rows) for (let i = 0;… Read More CSV to JSON parsing creating an empty array

Searching array like below but it returns null

I have some data which is an array of arrays, each sub-array is length one and the only item in that array is an object with key value pairs. As an example: const array = [[{‘city’: ‘new york’, ‘state’: ‘ny’}], [{‘city’: ‘dallas’, ‘state’: ‘tx’}], ,[{‘city’: ‘los angeles’, ‘state’: ‘ca’}]] I am trying to loop through… Read More Searching array like below but it returns null