Check if you can go back when using react-router MemoryRouter?

Advertisements I’m using react-router v6 (ie. with useNavigate, and no useHistory available). My app is all setup inside a MemoryRouter like this: <MemoryRouter > <Routes> <Route path="/" element={<Popup />} /> <Route path="/user/:userid" element={<UserProfilePage />} /> <Route path="/register" element={<RegisterForm />} /> <Route path="/login" element={<LoginSection />} /> <Route path="/reset-password" element={<ResetPasswordForm />} /> </Routes> </MemoryRouter> I’m trying to… Read More Check if you can go back when using react-router MemoryRouter?

Recursive Friend routes in React-Router V6

Advertisements This React-Router V5 recursive routes example shows exactly what I am trying to achieve: However I am using react-router-dom@6 and after converting my code to V6 the output is not what I would expect. import { Routes, Route, Link, useParams, Outlet, } from "react-router-dom"; export default function RecursiveExample() { return ( <> <Routes>… Read More Recursive Friend routes in React-Router V6

Why don't I see my page rendered on a new react routing page?

Advertisements I added a new page to my application, that is identical to other working ones, but for some reason it does not render. The page is simple: export function Test() { return ( <div> <h1>TEST working</h1> </div> ); } In my App.tsx I have: import ‘./assets/App.css’; import { ReactQueryDevtools } from ‘@tanstack/react-query-devtools’; import {… Read More Why don't I see my page rendered on a new react routing page?

How do I match a params in React Router v6?

Advertisements I have been trying to display the product name in the ProductScreen component by passing the ID of the image. My router configuration looks like this: const router = createBrowserRouter( createRoutesFromElements( <Route> <Route path=’/’ element={<HomeScreen />} exact /> <Route path=’/cart’ element={<ProductScreen />} /> <Route path=’/product/:id’ element={<ProductScreen />} /> </Route> ) ) The id is… Read More How do I match a params in React Router v6?

Matched leaf route at location "/home" does not have an element or Component

Advertisements I keep getting the error "Matched leaf route at location "/home" does not have an element or Component. This means it will render an <Outlet /> with a null value by default resulting in an "empty" page." when attempting to route to different screens. App.js import ‘./App.css’; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route… Read More Matched leaf route at location "/home" does not have an element or Component

unable to pass search and state parameters together using navigate of useNavigate

Advertisements When I am passing the search parameter or state parameter individually, they are working fine but when passing them together, they are giving null value on the target component. My requirement is to display the url like http://localhost:3000/updatepage?pageId=xxxxxx and it also need to pass the state parameter spaceId. Working individually navigate({ pathname: "/updatepage", search:… Read More unable to pass search and state parameters together using navigate of useNavigate

Can I fetch() multiple times in a loader function and extract it with one useloaderdata()?

Advertisements ive been watching people use useLoaderData() to extract the values that been passed to the react component Here’s my code in App.js, const router = createBrowserRouter( createRoutesFromElements( <Route path=’/’ element={<RootLayout/>}> <Route path=’user’ loader={userLoader} element={<User/>}></Route> </Route> ) ) In element, import { useLoaderData, Link } from "react-router-dom"; const User = () => { const users… Read More Can I fetch() multiple times in a loader function and extract it with one useloaderdata()?