react state is throwing `TypeError: setEnd is not a function` error?

Advertisements I’m passing a state hook to my component and changing the value with conditional statement. why is this happening? in my root component const [done, setDone] = useState(0); <FirstStep current={current} end={done} setEnd={setDone} />; and in the component i’m using it inside useEffect useEffect(() => { if ( plateInput != null && mileageInput != null… Read More react state is throwing `TypeError: setEnd is not a function` error?

Why getting NaN on redux while adding a number

Advertisements I am learning redux. I am trying to learn redux by increment decrementing value. I have written a code. While I am dispatching INCREMENT_BY_VALUE it is showing NaN But INCREMENT, DECREMENT and RESET are working properly. Here is my code: const { createStore } = require("redux") const INCREMENT = ‘INCREMENT’ const DECREMENT = ‘DECREMENT’… Read More Why getting NaN on redux while adding a number

React/Redux Toolkit TypeScript issue with useDispatch `Expected 0 arguments, but got 1`

Advertisements I am putting together a web app using React/Redux/TypeScript and I don’t have a lot of experience with TypeScript. For the register user flow I having an issue in my code where I get the error: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.ts(2554) when I try to pass the new user form data to the… Read More React/Redux Toolkit TypeScript issue with useDispatch `Expected 0 arguments, but got 1`

Update a specific objects values in an array of objects redux

Advertisements My goal is to update the animatedPhotoUrl value for chatId #1 (or the first object in the chats array. const chats = [ {"admin": "590", "animatedPhotoUrl": "", "chatId": "1"}, {"admin": "680", "animatedPhotoUrl": "", "chatId": "2"}, {"admin": "420", "animatedPhotoUrl": "", "chatId": "2"} ] However, when I console.log(chats) after I update in the reducer, I get… Read More Update a specific objects values in an array of objects redux

TypeScript error with Object.fromEntries from fetched data

Advertisements requests = { name: url, name: url, …} I’ve tried to fetch every url and return { name: data, name: data, …} Code async function fetchMovies(url: string) { const data = await fetch(baseURL + url).then((r) => r.json()); return data.results; } export const getMovies = createAsyncThunk("movies/getMovies", async () => { const responses = Object.entries(requests).map(async ([key,… Read More TypeScript error with Object.fromEntries from fetched data

how to render page after getting data using reducer [Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined]

Advertisements can’t able to get data before rendering the page using useSelector after dispatch, my screen appears totally blank. I have used react and redux code: const UsersProfile = () => { const { id } = useParams(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { loading, data } = useSelector((state) => state.searchedUser); console.log(data); useEffect(() => {… Read More how to render page after getting data using reducer [Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined]

React – updated state observed with useSelector() doesn't render new components

Advertisements I’m using Redux Toolkit and Redux Thunk. I successfully get my data asynchronously from a data source back into my component. Inside my component, I can observe the data coming with useSelector: const booksData = useSelector((state) => state.books); At this point, I would like to loop the books I’m getting and render my Book… Read More React – updated state observed with useSelector() doesn't render new components