Extracting data from a dynamic website using selenium

Advertisements I am trying to extract the name of the participants and the number of modules completed in a CSV file from this website – https://learn.microsoft.com/training/challenges?id=f66f0d57-d644-44d1-9faf-112b18a0ef92 The below is my code, a few days back, I have written a code successfully, but later I tried to modify it and now nothing is working. from selenium… Read More Extracting data from a dynamic website using selenium

scraping nested xml using beautiful soup

Advertisements xml = """<f transform="translate(7,7)" class="SoccerPlayer SoccerPlayer-11 Team-Away Outcome-Complete" data-id="8"> <rect x="-15" y="-15" width="30" height="30" transform="rotate(0)" class="SoccerShape"></rect> <text x="0" y="7" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)rotate(0)">11</text> <text class="Soccer-Hidden"> <div> <h3> <span class="Soccer-Key"> Suc passes </span> <span class="Soccer-Value"> 82 </span> </h3> <p> Ronaldo </p> </div> </text> </f>""" I’m currently trying to scrape the above xml, by using soup. Specifically from… Read More scraping nested xml using beautiful soup

Performing web scraping using selenium on influenster.com. I am getting just one scraped review even though it was in loop and the xpath was correct

Advertisements from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service as ChromeService from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By import configparser from datetime import datetime parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() parser.read(‘config.ini’) url= parser[‘PROPERTIES’][‘URL’] END_DATE = datetime.strptime(parser[‘DATE’][‘END’], ‘%Y-%m-%d’) START_DATE=datetime.strptime(parser[‘DATE’][‘START’],’%Y-%m-%d’) # Setting up driver options options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() # Setting up Path to chromedriver executable file CHROMEDRIVER_PATH =r’C:\Users\HP\Desktop\INTERNSHIP\influenster\chromedriver.exe’ # Adding options options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])… Read More Performing web scraping using selenium on influenster.com. I am getting just one scraped review even though it was in loop and the xpath was correct

How to extract a table from website without specifying the web browser in python

Advertisements I’m trying to automate data extraction from ASX (https://www.asxenergy.com.au/futures_nz) website into my database by writing a web scraping python script and deploying it in Azure Databrick. Currently, the script I have is working in Visual Studio Code, but when I try to run it in databrick, it crashes, throwing the error below. Could not… Read More How to extract a table from website without specifying the web browser in python

How to click a box with selenium which i can't see its element?

Advertisements I want to change the frametime in fxblue technical analysis from 1h (the default value) to 5m but i can’t click its pop-up button. here is the code i tried: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import csv import os from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome(os.getcwd() + ‘/chromedriver’) url = "https://www.fxblue.com/market-data/technical-analysis/EURUSD"&hellip; Read More How to click a box with selenium which i can't see its element?