C# Application Settings. A quick Question about User V's Application Scope

Advertisements I have just looked at an example from Microsoft Social Network on how to use Application Settings namely this one: public bool IsUSer(SettingsProperty Setting) { bool flag = Setting.Attributes[typeof(UserScopedSettingAttribute)] is UserScopedSettingAttribute; bool flag1 = Setting.Attributes[typeof(ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute)] is ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute; if (flag && flag2) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString("BothScopeAttributes")); } if (!flag && !flag2) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString("NoScopeAttributes"));… Read More C# Application Settings. A quick Question about User V's Application Scope

C++ higher order functions: different results when declaring multiple functions

Advertisements I was plying with higher order functions, and I started getting different results when I created two instances and assigning them to variables. I reduced the issue to the following example: #include <iostream> using ColorGetter = int(*)(void); auto paint(const ColorGetter &f) { return [&]() { return f(); }; } int colorA() { return 10;… Read More C++ higher order functions: different results when declaring multiple functions

How can I globally set a custom HtmlEncoder to use in all Razor pages?

Advertisements I want to set a custom HtmlEncoder as the default HtmlEncoder to be used in Asp.net Core Razor pages. The RazorPageBase class does have a HtmlEncoder property which I can set on a single Razor page like this: using System.Text.Encodings.Web; using System.Text.Unicode; @{ HtmlEncoder = HtmlEncoder.Create(UnicodeRanges.All); } Then the HtmlEncoder is used on that… Read More How can I globally set a custom HtmlEncoder to use in all Razor pages?

Why is my QPushButton overlapping the QMenuBar

Advertisements I have this QMenuBar and I wanted to put a button on the screen and for some reason it just overlaps the menubar…? Here is my code: class LeagueHelperWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle(‘League Helper’) self.load_saved_settings() self.setup_menu_bar() self.vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(self.vbox) self.button = QPushButton(‘Test’, self) self.vbox.addWidget(self.button) self.vbox.addStretch() self.setLayout(self.vbox) def setup_menu_bar(self): menu_bar = QMenuBar(self)… Read More Why is my QPushButton overlapping the QMenuBar