Sql error number: 512. Error Message: Subquery returned more than 1 value

Advertisements I am trying to run this query in SSMS and I’m getting an error, ‘Sql error number: 512. Error Message: Subquery returned more than 1 value’ MERGE datawarehouse.product t USING ( SELECT (StyleCode + ColorwaySAPID) as OptionID, ColorwayName, StyleCode, [Description], Division, lclChannel, (select [label] FROM import.enumneckline e inner join import.Product p ON e.Enumeration_Value =… Read More Sql error number: 512. Error Message: Subquery returned more than 1 value

SQL: "no such column" with WITH clause

Advertisements I’m learning SQL and I would like to know why I’m getting ‘Error 1: could not prepare statement (1 no such column: avg_quantity)’ when I try the following query on the w3schools WITH avg_quantity AS (SELECT AVG(OrderDetails.Quantity) FROM OrderDetails) SELECT Products.ProductName, OrderDetails.Quantity FROM OrderDetails JOIN Products ON Products.ProductID = OrderDetails.ProductID WHERE OrderDetails.Quantity > avg_quantity… Read More SQL: "no such column" with WITH clause

How to get the counts of Student for each Teachers in a single collection by Eloquent

Advertisements A Teacher has many Students. When I am showing the Teachers list I also want to show the counts of Student for each Teachers. How can I do this by using Eloquent? I can find the Teachers from this, $teacher= Teacher::where(‘teacher_status’,’active’)->get(); I can find the Student count from this $student_count = Student::where(‘teacher_id’,’teachers.id’)->count(); How can… Read More How to get the counts of Student for each Teachers in a single collection by Eloquent

Oracle SQL Produce Multi-Columns From the Same Column With Mutual Rows Values

Advertisements I have table element_types with column element_type containing amount types Basic Salary and Housing Allowance, i want to produce 2 column, one for Basic Salary and another for Housing Allowance, these types are linked to another table like employees and the values for those types ..etc, so I want to make 2 separate columns… Read More Oracle SQL Produce Multi-Columns From the Same Column With Mutual Rows Values

Keeping unmatched rows while joining on the column the rows are in MySQL

Advertisements I have 2 tables. current_inv and qb_inventory_levels_v. I want to join those by part_number, while also allowing it to still show rows where there is only a part number in one of those tables. Ex: part_number_a part_number_b qty_a qty_b ABCDEFG ABCDEFG 1 3 ZYXW null 2 null null WWWW null 1 The current query… Read More Keeping unmatched rows while joining on the column the rows are in MySQL

Mariadb 'unknown column in where clause' and get wrong result using 'count()' with 'group by' in subquery

Advertisements I’m having problem to get the right result from the following tables table_buyer pkey | buyer_id | buyer_name 1 | 1 | john 2 | 2 | mike table_fruit pkey | buyer_id | fruit_name 1 | 1 | banana 2 | 1 | banana 3 | 1 | apple 4 | 2 | grape… Read More Mariadb 'unknown column in where clause' and get wrong result using 'count()' with 'group by' in subquery