Having problem with borders on segmented button using tailwind

Advertisements Trying to create segmented button, but having problem with borders. I want to have 1px border everywhere including between buttons Structure for 2nd variant (buttons are rendered dynamically) <div class="divide-x"> <button class="border-y first:border-l last:border-r"> </div> I have tried multiple ways of borders 1st borders on each button but than I have 2px between buttons,… Read More Having problem with borders on segmented button using tailwind

convert multiple class name to one class in html

Advertisements i am using tailwind pre defined css in my vue project . <p class="bg-white text-black focus:text-red focus:bg-white-2 dark:text-white dark:bg-black dark:focus:bg-black-2 dark:focus:text-yellow">some text</p> <p class="bg-white text-black focus:text-red focus:bg-white-2 dark:text-white dark:bg-black dark:focus:bg-black-2 dark:focus:text-yellow">some text2</p> <p class="bg-white text-black focus:text-red focus:bg-white-2 dark:text-white dark:bg-black dark:focus:bg-black-2 dark:focus:text-yellow">some text 3</p> <p class="bg-white text-black focus:text-red focus:bg-white-2 dark:text-white dark:bg-black dark:focus:bg-black-2 dark:focus:text-yellow">some other text</p>… Read More convert multiple class name to one class in html