"Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled" in Vitest

Advertisements I am using Vite and I’ve installed vitest Error: Details: SyntaxError: /home/durrantm/Dropnot/vite/thedeiscorecard-vite/src/App.test.tsx: Support for the experimental syntax ‘jsx’ isn’t currently enabled (6:27): 4 | describe(‘test’, () => { 5 | it(‘works’, () => { 6 | render(<App/>); 7 | const text = screen.getByText(‘vite’); 8 | expect(text).toBe(true); 9 | }) My test is import {… Read More "Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled" in Vitest

zod TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extend')

Advertisements I have a Vite library using Vitest and Zod. Given the following folder structure . ├── src │ ├── leading │ │ ├── index.ts ( 2 ) │ │ └── leadingDataSourceConfigurationSchema.ts │ ├── index.ts ( 1 ) │ └── dataSourceConfigurationSchema.ts └── test └── my.spec.ts I created a base schema for data sources import {… Read More zod TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extend')