Annotating only unique duplicated key values on a diverging bar chart in ggplot2

Say I have a dataframe (df) with a total of 2 columns and 40 rows. The first column have duplicated key/ID values and the second contains 20 positive values, followed by 20 negative ones. Because of this, I decided to go for a diverging bar chart. But whenever I plotted the chart, the X-axis text… Read More Annotating only unique duplicated key values on a diverging bar chart in ggplot2

Android – Jetpack Compose draw text with centered lines on sides

I am trying to make this simple view in Compose, but cant seem to get it right. I have tried using dividers, and now switched to canvas, but cant seem to get correct result. Row{ Line() ClickableText(text = AnnotatedString("Show replies"), modifier = Modifier.weight(1f), onClick = { showReplies.value = true }) Line() } @Composable fun RowScope.Line()… Read More Android – Jetpack Compose draw text with centered lines on sides

When to use @Controller and when @RestController annotation in RESTApi based on Spring

I am new to learning Spring and I created a simple RestApi. Now in some tutorials I see that the controller class is sometimes annotated with @Controller and others are annotated with @RestController. Can anyone clarify the differences for me? Thanks >Solution : It only took one quick google search for me to get a… Read More When to use @Controller and when @RestController annotation in RESTApi based on Spring