In a React tutorial, how does React know that the number specified as a dimension is in pixels? const user = { name: ‘Hedy Lamarr’, imageUrl: ‘;, imageSize: 90, }; export default function Profile() { return ( <> <h1>{}</h1> <img className="avatar" src={user.imageUrl} alt={‘Photo of ‘ +} style={{ width: user.imageSize, // Here… height: user.imageSize // …and here. }} /> </> ); } How does React know that user.imageSize, which is a number,… Read More In a React tutorial, how does React know that the number specified as a dimension is in pixels?

Why the difference in checking for value of pd.DataFrame vs pd.Series if value in index?

I’m working with a pandas DataFrame and I noticed a difference in behavior when using the in operator. Here’s an example to illustrate this: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({‘a’: [4, 5, 6], ‘b’: [7, 8, 9]}) print(1 in df) print(type(df)) print(1 in df["a"]) print(type(df["a"])) Output: False <class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’> True <class ‘pandas.core.series.Series’> The most… Read More Why the difference in checking for value of pd.DataFrame vs pd.Series if value in index?

I have an image link on my website that changes upon hovering my mouse over it, how do i turn both images into a link?

My website uses an image as a link to another page, and I decided to make the image change upon hovering my mouse over it for some extra flair. I found a way to do it, but I found out that the hover image doesn’t link to anywhere, it’s just a static image. I’m not… Read More I have an image link on my website that changes upon hovering my mouse over it, how do i turn both images into a link?

How do two slashes in Terraform source work?

Here is my Terraform Karpenter module: module "karpenter" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws//modules/karpenter" cluster_name = module.eks.cluster_name node_iam_role_additional_policies = { AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" } } You can see source has two slashes between "aws" and "modules". I initially thought I made a mistake, however, it turns out two slashes work well. The document also has two slash.… Read More How do two slashes in Terraform source work?

mdspan operator [] doesn't compile in visual studio std::vector v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; auto ms2 = std::mdspan(, 2, 6); ms2[0, 0] = 3; error C2676: binary ‘[‘: ‘std::mdspan<_Ty,std::extents<_IndexType,18446744073709551615,18446744073709551615>,std::layout_right,std::default_accessor<_Ty>>’ does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator >Solution : MSVC doesn’t yet support the multidimensional… Read More mdspan operator [] doesn't compile in visual studio

How to Exclude everything after a character/string from an output in Linux

This is my file: I am trying to remove all characters after the string ".com", but I want to include ".com" in it. I tried sed ‘s/.com.*//’, however it seems to exclude ".com" as well: $ cat test1.txt | grep .com | sed ‘s/.com.*//’ abc.test efg.test xyz.test xab.test lmn.test… Read More How to Exclude everything after a character/string from an output in Linux

R count distinct character of days ( n_distinct, nlevels(as.factor()) str_count() are not working)

> test # A tibble: 30 × 2 # Groups: Week [30] Week Dates <dbl> <chr> 1 2 2023-10-04, 2023-10-05, 2023-10-05, 2023-10-06, 2023-10-06, 2023-10-06, 2023-10-08, 2023-10-08 2 3 2023-10-11, 2023-10-12, 2023-10-12, 2023-10-14, 2023-10-15 3 4 2023-10-18, 2023-10-19, 2023-10-20, 2023-10-20, 2023-10-21, 2023-10-21, 2023-10-22, 2023-10-22 4 5 2023-10-25, 2023-10-25, 2023-10-26, 2023-10-27, 2023-10-28, 2023-10-29, 2023-10-29, 2023-10-30 5 6… Read More R count distinct character of days ( n_distinct, nlevels(as.factor()) str_count() are not working)

Set default value in select-options using Angular 17

I may get downvoted to eternity but this is bugging me for a few hours now and unable to get it going! I want to set Male as the default value. Here’s the Angular HTML: <select name="gender" id="gender" [(ngModel)]="registration.gender"> <option value="male">Male</option> <option value="female">Female</option> <option value="others">Others</option> </select> My .TS file: export class Registration implements OnInit {… Read More Set default value in select-options using Angular 17