How do I check if multiple random chances are 1 efficiently?

So, I have 4 chances (chance1, chance2, etc.). I want to check if one chance is equal to one, but none of the other ones are one. I know I could just check every single one, but I’m eventually going to add more and more chances, and the list will be really long and annoying… Read More How do I check if multiple random chances are 1 efficiently?

How can I call a private method from a public method in javascript?

class myClass { myPublicMethod(e) { console.log(this); myPrivateMethod(); //does not work } #myPrivateMethod() { console.log(‘in myPrivateMethod’); } } I’ve confirmed that this is myClass via console.log. I get the error myPrivateMethod is not defined. If I try this.myPrivateMethod(); then I get the error myPrivateMethod is not a function. The only thing that works is removing the… Read More How can I call a private method from a public method in javascript?

based on array of object on key array list covert each key to new object of array list

"Items" having array of object in each object there is key called "ImpactedCIs" array list. Based on each array list need to generate new object based on "ImpactedCIs" array of objects. Need a possible new array of objects with an existing key element. "items": [ { "ImpactedCIs": ["MJUDKHJ112O","FTTM_ZTF647"], "CMSStatus": "5", "ActualStartTime": "1700003455", "ActualEndTime": "1700003455", "PM":… Read More based on array of object on key array list covert each key to new object of array list

Bug in js-sequence-diagrams: Text Overlapping with Arrows in Larger Diagrams

I’ve been using the js-sequence-diagrams library to generate sequence diagrams dynamically in my web application. It’s a great library, but I’ve encountered an issue when creating larger diagrams: the text seems to overlap with the arrows. Here’s a simplified version of my code: const diagram = Diagram.parse("Title: My Large Diagram\\n\\nParticipant A\\nParticipant B\\n…\\nParticipant Z\\n\\nA-\>B: Hello\\n…\\nY-\>Z: Goodbye");… Read More Bug in js-sequence-diagrams: Text Overlapping with Arrows in Larger Diagrams

How to sort the array which is in date format latest record on top using javascript

I am having an array let array = [ {clmFirstReceivedDt: "16/03/2023"}, {clmFirstReceivedDt: "17/03/2022"}, {clmFirstReceivedDt: "13/04/2024"}, {clmFirstReceivedDt: "06/03/2024"}, {clmFirstReceivedDt: "06/02/2024"}, {clmFirstReceivedDt: "12/03/2024"} ]; I am having the date in the day, month, year format when i try array.sort((a, b) => { const dateA = new Date(a.clmFirstReceivedDt).getTime(); const dateB = new Date(b.clmFirstReceivedDt).getTime(); return dateB – dateA; });… Read More How to sort the array which is in date format latest record on top using javascript

How to select all DOM elements that have a certain class but also have certain CSS attribute value using JavaScript?

How to select all DOM elements that have a certain class but also have certain CSS attribute value using JavaScript? For example, I want to select all the elements that have class "date" but have a display: none CSS attribute. I know it has something to do with querySelector / querySelectorAll but I am unable… Read More How to select all DOM elements that have a certain class but also have certain CSS attribute value using JavaScript?