Format for dynamic connection string for Azure Storage that uses container name and SAS token

I have an API that allows users to upload files to Azure Storage containers. Right now my API allows file uploads, however it allows any user to upload to any container they want. I want to have users only be able to upload to their own container. To prevent users from accessing all containers, I… Read More Format for dynamic connection string for Azure Storage that uses container name and SAS token

How to upload append blob to azure without getting size limit exception?

public async Task<string> UploadDataAsync<T>(CloudBlobContainer container, string relativeUrl, List<T> reportData, string mimeType, string data, ILogger log) { string absoluteUri = string.Empty; byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms)) { sw.Write(data); sw.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; CloudAppendBlob blob; blob = container.GetAppendBlobReference(relativeUrl); if (await blob.ExistsAsync()) { await blob.AppendBlockAsync(ms); absoluteUri… Read More How to upload append blob to azure without getting size limit exception?