What is difference between BDD and specifications by example?

I know BDD and also read Specification by Example the great book by Gojko Adzic; As I understand they are almost the same and have many in common; But I was not able to understand their main difference. I mean Can we use them interchangeably? >Solution : General idea BDD is the format of describing… Read More What is difference between BDD and specifications by example?

Find and replace only if it matches a string in vi editor

I have a large file: . .. … { "term": "Allow A to B", "to_zone" : ["inside"], "from_zone" : ["sys"], "source" : [""], "destination": ["",""], "source_user" : ["any"], "category" : ["any"], "application" : ["any"], "service" : ["application-default"], "source_hip" : ["any"], "destination_hip" : ["any"], "tag" : ["con"], "action" : "allow", "rule_type" : ["universal"], "group_tag" : ["con"],… Read More Find and replace only if it matches a string in vi editor

Cannot create a database with SqlAlchemy (sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError)

I’m learning sqlAlchemy and I want to establish a connection and create a database to insert data. I have an error message that I don’t understand. According to the documentation, the error may come from the database itself. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? File "C:\Users\A.NAITSAIDI\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site- packages\psycopg2\__init__.py", line 122, in connect conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory,… Read More Cannot create a database with SqlAlchemy (sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError)

How Can i get this Xpath

I got the id for capturing. //button[contains(text(),’Delete’)][1] //button[@id=’deletebtn’] but its have 10 duplicate values.can’t identify unique thing for capture the element.Please Help me to resolve >Solution : As you haven’t shared full HTML I am assuming you want use the first locator of 10 matches. You can use //(button[contains(text(),’Delete’)])[1] instead of //button[contains(text(),’Delete’)][1] In case, suppose… Read More How Can i get this Xpath