How can I calculate an elements scroll position as a percentage?

I would like to calculate the scroll position of an element within the window as a percentage. 0% is where the top of the element is at the bottom of the window (it has not been shown yet) 100% is where the bottom of the element is at the top of the window (all of… Read More How can I calculate an elements scroll position as a percentage?

I have a confusion on some code of python. Both code give me same answer

I have been practicing Python on CodeChef I come up with the solution but some how it gave me error of Time Limit Exceeded. other code that gives same answer works fine which was submitted by other codechef members. My question is whats the difference between these two solutions. My Code t = int(input()) for… Read More I have a confusion on some code of python. Both code give me same answer

R using lubridate subtract 6 months but the dates dose not exist?

I want to subtract 6 months from a date but using lubridate I get some NA’s. Here are my attempts: > as.Date("2013-12-31") – months(6) [1] NA > as.Date("2013-12-30") – months(6) [1] "2013-06-30" > as.Date("2014-01-01") – months(6) [1] "2013-07-01" > as.Date("2012-12-31") – months(6) [1] NA > as.Date("2014-12-31") – months(6) [1] NA > is it because there… Read More R using lubridate subtract 6 months but the dates dose not exist?

How to calculate my encoding sha256 maximum int lenght?

I use this little code in a function to generate immutable hash of strings and store it. My problem is i don’t know how to find the max possible value with sha256 :7 ‘little’ ??? int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(value.encode(‘utf-8’)).digest()[:7], ‘little’) >Solution : Well, if you have seven bytes, and you turn that into an integer, the maximum value… Read More How to calculate my encoding sha256 maximum int lenght?

Why is my calculation not working in Java?

I tried debugging but the variable y remains as 0 instead of carrying out the expected calculation. Someone tell me what I’m doing wrong. Thank you. public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter odd number: "); int n = Integer.valueOf(scan.nextLine()); scan.close(); double y = 0;… Read More Why is my calculation not working in Java?