Is there any way to write a case statement in sql, if column A >0 then column B, Column C= 0

I’ve multiple columns which has the same value and it is showing incorrect results when I summarize them. Is there any way to write a case statement in sql, if column A >0 then make all remaining columns as 0 (column B, Column C, Column D= 0) if column B >0 then make all remaining… Read More Is there any way to write a case statement in sql, if column A >0 then column B, Column C= 0

SQL update set case when else

I’m trying to update a value based on some condition. The code I wish to edit to use this condition looks like this (and works without the condition): UPDATE [SomeSchema].[Synchronization] SET [SomeSchema] = DATEADD(s, t.Interval, s.[NextSynchronizationMoment]) FROM [SomeSchema].[Synchronization] s INNER JOIN #syncs ON #syncs.SynchronizationApiSubscriptionId = s.SynchronizationApiSubscriptionId INNER JOIN [SomeSchema].[SynchronizationTier] t ON s.SynchronizationTierId = t.SynchronizationTierId This… Read More SQL update set case when else

Change case and reorder string fields in pandas dataframe

I have created the following dataframe: import pandas as pd ds1 = {‘Name’:["CARO QUINTERO, Miguel Angel","CHANG, Ping Yun","GILBOA, Joseph"]} df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=ds1) Which looks like this: Name 0 CARO QUINTERO, Miguel Angel 1 CHANG, Ping Yun 2 GILBOA, Joseph So, the text before the comma is the "last name", whilst the text after the comma… Read More Change case and reorder string fields in pandas dataframe

How to apply function that returns Result to each element of HashSet in Rust

As a language that aims for safety and performance, Rust provides a powerful data structure called HashSet that provides a fast and efficient way to store and retrieve unique values. HashSet is optimized for scenarios where you need to check for the presence of a value and avoid duplicates, making it a popular choice among… Read More How to apply function that returns Result to each element of HashSet in Rust