Swift Regex: How to find all first letter capitalized words in a string? Like a name ("My Name and another His Name")?

GOAL: I want to have a regex that searches a string for all capitalized first letters of words/names in a string. Then replace those capitalized words with "Whatever", if the word is 4 or more characters long. String Input: let myString = "This is a regular string. How does this Work? Does any Name know… Read More Swift Regex: How to find all first letter capitalized words in a string? Like a name ("My Name and another His Name")?

Delete words from an array that are not letters or numbers in php

I have an array (converted from a string) that contains words with non-standard letters (letters not used in English, like ć, ä, ü). I don’t want to replace those characters, I want to get rid of the whole words that have them. from [Adam-Smith, Christine, Müller, Roger, Hauptstraße, X Æ A-12] to [Adam-Smith, Christine, Roger]… Read More Delete words from an array that are not letters or numbers in php

How to select range of unique character values in dplyr?

Let’s say I have the following data frame: #### Library #### library(tidyverse) #### Data Frame #### df <- data.frame(name = c("Paul","Paul","Rich","Rich", "John","John","Frank","Frank"), cookies = c(3,6,4,3, 4,5,6,4), fish = c(2,5,3,3, 4,6,7,3)) Filtering values is normally pretty easy, like so: df %>% filter(cookies < 5, fish == 3) Which gives the following output: name cookies fish 1… Read More How to select range of unique character values in dplyr?

C# Linq doesn't recognize Czech characters while reading from .csv file

Basically, when trying to get a .csv file into a list using Linq, all characters with diacritics turn into <?> character. What should i do to make the code keep them as in the .csv file? using (StreamReader ctec = new StreamReader(souborovejmeno)) { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(souborovejmeno).Select(a => a.Split(‘\t’)); var csv = from line in… Read More C# Linq doesn't recognize Czech characters while reading from .csv file

How to select only rows from Pandas DataFrame with 3 characters in Python Pandas?

I have Pandas DataFrame like below, col1 is STRING data type: col1 —– "123" "1111" "287777" NaN "222" And I need to select only these rows where string in "col1" has 3 characters, so as a result i need something like below: col1: —– "123" "222" How can I do that in Python Pandas? >Solution… Read More How to select only rows from Pandas DataFrame with 3 characters in Python Pandas?