How can I create and populate a constant from a file?

I’m making a word game program which has a dictionary of words in a text file. I need to run 2 methods through the dictionary in a single run by having a user choose options 1 and 2, then 3 to close. I need to make the dictionary a constant called DICTIONARY which is new… Read More How can I create and populate a constant from a file?

I can change the values even when I use const word with my own array class template

So I’m trying to write my own array template and everything works until i try to create a const object of my class template. in main.cpp I create the object with the copy contructor and I change it which I would expect to not work but it works. Help would be appreciated 😀 main.cpp #… Read More I can change the values even when I use const word with my own array class template

Define a constant instead of duplicating "" 3 times

I tried defining a const by typing in const loinc = ";; After pushing my code, the build fails and I get this error: illegal start of expression List<ObservationComponentComponent> listComponent = new ArrayList<>(); // loop through the different types in array for (int i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { DeviceBloodPressureBody curBody = body[i];… Read More Define a constant instead of duplicating "" 3 times

Why is the return value of a Promise undefined when the value inside the Promise is defined?

In the following code snippet: 1 const GetErrors = async (projectScanID: number, projectName: string) => { 2 try { 3 console.log("fetching errors") 4 const errorsFetch = await fetchErrors(projectScanID); 5 console.log("errorsfetch:", errorsFetch) 6 await setErrors(errorsFetch); 7 console.log("errors", errors) 8 setIsErrorsFetchComplete(true); 9 console.log("errors: ", errors) 10 } 11 catch(e) { 12 enqueueSnackbar(`Could not load errors! Error: ${e}`,… Read More Why is the return value of a Promise undefined when the value inside the Promise is defined?

How to extract a const that depends on a map?

I have animations in my component that follow the same style, like this: {, i) => ( <Component style={{ animation: `fade-animation 12s linear ${i * 3}s infinite` }}>{action}</Component> ))} {, i) => ( <Component style={{ animation: `fade-animation 12s linear ${i * 3}s infinite` }}>{figure}</Component> ))} The value fade-animation 12s linear ${i * 3}s infinite it’s… Read More How to extract a const that depends on a map?

Does JVM specifically caches Boolean.(TRUE|FALSE)?

Given Boolean value, Boolean b = getSome(); Is following expression return Boolean.TRUE == b; // possibly false even b.booleanValue() is true? equal(equivalent) to return Boolean.TRUE.equal(b); Does the JLS specify regarding any constant preservation of Boolean.(TRUE|FALSE)? >Solution : The JLS says that there may be caching behavior for values produced by boxing. However, it does not… Read More Does JVM specifically caches Boolean.(TRUE|FALSE)?

Understanding address assignment to registers via assembly instructions

If I have a CPU/system with the following characteristics… 16 bit architecture (16 bit registers and bus) 8 total registers A set of 64 assembly instructions And assuming my assembly instructions follow the format… OPCode (6 bits) + Register (3 bits) + Register (3 bits) + Unused (4 bits) ** Example Instructions (below) ** Assembly:… Read More Understanding address assignment to registers via assembly instructions