How can I pass an instance of a object by value?

I have two model class. One class I have defined PreferenceModel as a property. PreferenceModel contains one property called showData which is a bool. Now my json is printing: preference: Instance of ‘PreferenceModel’ I want it to print preference: { showData:true } >Solution : You have create a method toJson in your parent and child… Read More How can I pass an instance of a object by value?

How to enable background processes in Flutter?

I have this code in flutter that should send a notification every 3 seconds in the background (even when the app is completely closed): import ‘dart:async’; import ‘dart:ui’; import ‘package:flutter_background_service_android/flutter_background_service_android.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter_background_service/flutter_background_service.dart’; import ‘package:p2p_app/services/notifivcation_setrvice.dart’; @pragma(‘vm:entry-point’) void onStart(ServiceInstance service) { DartPluginRegistrant.ensureInitialized(); int i = 0; Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 3), (timer) async { i++; if (service… Read More How to enable background processes in Flutter?

Dart/Flutter async-await skips method and continues with the rest of the code

Async-await skips method and continues with the rest of the code, which results in an error code because my variable is not assigned with the value result of my method. I have been trying multiple methods to accomplish my goal but without success. I have tried converting every ".then" into "Async-Await", make my void method… Read More Dart/Flutter async-await skips method and continues with the rest of the code

CheckboxListTile in SizedBox override style which is out of box

I have some issue with CheckboxListTile. I use it with SizedBox -> Container -> Scrollbar -> ListView.builder -> _SingleTile -> CheckboxListTile, tileColor of this CheckboxListTile override style which is out of box and scrollable area. I prepare some example: import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; /// Flutter code sample for [CheckboxListTile]. void main() => runApp(const CheckboxListTileApp()); class CheckboxListTileApp extends… Read More CheckboxListTile in SizedBox override style which is out of box

How to Create an Independent Copy of a Nested Map with Dynamic Data in Flutter-Dart?

In my Flutter-Dart project, I have a map (myMap) that contains nested lists and maps, and these nested structures can further contain lists or maps. The data within these structures is dynamic, originating from a server, making it challenging to anticipate their lengths or values. An illustrative example of myMap is as follows: Map<String, dynamic>… Read More How to Create an Independent Copy of a Nested Map with Dynamic Data in Flutter-Dart?

How to divide all values in nested list by 2.54 In Flutter

Can you please help me to the division of nested list values in Flutter? I have a nested list representing boy head circumference data in centimeters. For each list in the outer collection, and for each element in the inner lists, I retrieve the original circumference value in centimeters. Following that, I convert the circumference… Read More How to divide all values in nested list by 2.54 In Flutter

ffmpeg_kit_flutter: ^6.0.3 copyright issue

I’m currently incorporating ffmpeg_kit_flutter into my project, and I’m curious about its copyright status. Can I freely use this plugin in my Flutter application for commercial purposes since it’s licensed under LGPL-3.0? I’m not entirely clear on what that entails. Additionally, I’m facing an issue with the size of the package in my application. After… Read More ffmpeg_kit_flutter: ^6.0.3 copyright issue

NoSuchMethodError when trying to pass data between screens with navigator

I have been trying to pass data from one page to another and running into an error I’m struggling to fix: ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown building edit(dirty, state: _editState#8e4e4): ‘[]’ Dynamic call of null. Receiver: Instance of ‘document’ Arguments: ["content"] The relevant error-causing widget was: edit On… Read More NoSuchMethodError when trying to pass data between screens with navigator