Mapping Array of Objects Returns an Undefined Instead of Actual Objects

I have an Array of Nested Objects which I’m presently mapping to get back an Array of Objects. But Instead of getting actual objects, Part of my expected result is returning an Undefined. I don’t know why undefined is part of my result. I actually need to know why Undefined is part of my result.… Read More Mapping Array of Objects Returns an Undefined Instead of Actual Objects

Interpret interpolated html tag as html, not string literal?

I’m trying have the HTML tag <br> interpreted as a line break, but instead it displays as a string literal in the view when I attempt this: <%= property.address_line_2 + "<br>" if property.address_line_2.present? %> I tried raw() and .html_safe but they the same effect. <%= property.address_line_2 + raw("<br>") if property.address_line_2.present? %> <%= property.address_line_2 + "<br>".html_safe… Read More Interpret interpolated html tag as html, not string literal?