Increasing counter app results in 01 instead of 1

I made this simple counter app, code for html and js is below. The decrease button works fine, takes the h1 text down by 1 with each click. The reset button goes back to 0. But when I click the increase button, the text content changes from 0 to 01, then 011, then 0111, and… Read More Increasing counter app results in 01 instead of 1

Why `return` is used in javascript event function

Html: <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(evt)" /> JavaScript: function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode; if (charCode != 46 && charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) return false; return true; } My Question Why there is return used in onKeypress event. Code Explaination Basically after appling this… Read More Why `return` is used in javascript event function

How to get id of button inside main div when I clicked on button?

I have added onclick on main div. Whenever I click on its child elements, main div onclick is trigger. I cannot get id of the child element I clicked inside the main div using this. Here is sample <div id = ‘main’ onclick=’console.log(this);’> <p> some paragraph </p> … <button id=’test’ type="button">click</button> </div> >Solution : You… Read More How to get id of button inside main div when I clicked on button?

How can I start stop async function on mouseenter and mouseleave event javascript?

How can I start stop async function on mouseenter and mouseleave event javascript? I want function to be executed when mouse is not over swiperContainer and when it is on swiperContainer i want function to be stopped. I am not sure if its done corectly. My async function and promise here: const exit = function… Read More How can I start stop async function on mouseenter and mouseleave event javascript?

Select only targeted item and remove it – clear innerHtml

I am currently building and invoice creator app as to practice javascript. My goal is that when the user presses the "remove" button, only the clicked item will be removed from the list. const theForm = document.getElementById(‘the-form’); const taskInput = document.getElementById(‘task-input’); const renderItem = document.querySelector(‘.render’); const selectOption = document.getElementById(‘amount’); const totalSum = document.getElementById(‘total-sum’); let totalAmount… Read More Select only targeted item and remove it – clear innerHtml

Why Event Listener "click" shows the "body" element instead of the element that I clicked on?

I went to chessboard.js , opened Developer Tools and pasted the following code document.body.addEventListener(`click`, a1); function a1(){ console.dir(; } When I clicked on an empty chess square or on a square with a black piece, the console printed the correct result (for example, ""). But when I clicked on a square with a white… Read More Why Event Listener "click" shows the "body" element instead of the element that I clicked on?

querySelector function reports null value for form input

What specific syntax must be changed in the code below in order for the value for firstname to be successfully transferred into the index.js logic from the index.html form? ERROR MESSAGE: Currently, the value for firstname is being read as null by the const firstnameInput = document.querySelector("input[firstname=’firstname’]"); line of index.js. The error given in the… Read More querySelector function reports null value for form input

efficient way to dynamically attach blur/focusout event to existing and any new input fields

I want to know when any of the input fields lose focus i.e. when the cursor is no longer present in the input field. The condition is new input fields can be created even after the page load. Input fields include: textarea and divs with contenteditable: true. To give you more details I’m building a… Read More efficient way to dynamically attach blur/focusout event to existing and any new input fields