How to change circularprogressindicator in Center

I’m having a little problem here, I want to map a circularprogressindicator in the middle of the page but it just appears in the top center of the page, how do I move it to the middle of the page, I’ve tried wrapping it using the Column widget but an error occurs. How do I… Read More How to change circularprogressindicator in Center

Argument type 'Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget, ImageChunkEvent)' can't be assigned flutter dart

I am having the following error The argument type ‘Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget, ImageChunkEvent)’ can’t be assigned to the parameter type ‘Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget, ImageChunkEvent?)?’. I am trying to add a CircularProgressIndicator to that will show before image loads. Below is how i am implementing it Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5), child: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {… Read More Argument type 'Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget, ImageChunkEvent)' can't be assigned flutter dart