Why html can´t read this javascript function?

I am trying to recreate the google main page however my problem is with the I am feeling lucky button when I press the I am feeling lucky button the function luck() is not being recognized. Error: Uncaught TypeError TypeError: luck is not a function My code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Search</title> <link rel="stylesheet"… Read More Why html can´t read this javascript function?

CSS – Placeholder style not applying if selectors are combined

Why does this work in Chrome: .amsearch-input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: red; } <input class=”amsearch-input” placeholder=”It works!” /> But not this: .amsearch-input::-webkit-input-placeholder, .amsearch-input::-moz-placeholder, .amsearch-input::-ms-placeholder, .amsearch-input::placeholder { color: red; } <input class=”amsearch-input” placeholder=”It fails! :(” /> >Solution : That’s common error when trying to deal with selectors containing vendor prefixes. The issue here is that If there is… Read More CSS – Placeholder style not applying if selectors are combined

disabled select tag doesn't have the color specified in css on chrome

select:disabled { background-color: #BBBBBB; } <select disabled> <option>test</option> </select> If you run the code above on chrome and then check the background color of the select tag using a color picker you will get #CFCFCF and not #BBBBBB Doing the same on a tag works as expected, is this a bug in chrome or am… Read More disabled select tag doesn't have the color specified in css on chrome

How to add "clipboard-write" permission to navigator?

I am maintaining an app written in Angular and launched on chromium (desktop app), i am trying to copy to clipboard some text and i used navigator.clipboard.writeText(result) Unfortunately, it didn’t work because and i don’t have "clipboard-write" permission on the navigator. How to add permission "clipboard-write" to the navigator or is there any other solution… Read More How to add "clipboard-write" permission to navigator?

<a> element in <p> messes up in Chrome

The following code causes the outer <a> tag to show twice and splits the contents of the <p> tag: <a href="https://five-pillars-simulator.luisafk.repl.co&quot; target="fivepillarssmiluator" class="card dfc tc mw m40 cb tdn"> <h2 class="card-title"> Five Pillars Simulator </h2> <p class="card-body tj"> A History Project me and <a href="https://replit.com/@gabrielo4">Gabe</a&gt; made for a school History project. </p> </a> It seems… Read More <a> element in <p> messes up in Chrome

JS MAY (behave differently on different runtime) not catch the rejected promise in setTimeout

In the following code. const p = Promise.reject();; setTimeout(() => { p.catch(() => console.log("Error caught")); }, 0); I expected Error caught is printed, but when I run it in Node v16.15.1, it crashes with UnhandledPromiseRejection error. node:internal/process/promises:279 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^ [UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function… Read More JS MAY (behave differently on different runtime) not catch the rejected promise in setTimeout

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input for <script> </script>

I am using the following JavaScript / html to play in a video in Chrome. The console logs "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input". I don’t see what I’m doing wrong. What is my mistake here? Thank you! <html> <head><meta name="viewport"> <style> video { position: relative; } </style> </head> <body> <video ontouchstart="playPause()" controls="controls" poster="" video… Read More Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input for <script> </script>

How to install a Chrome extension with C/C++?

I have to install a Chrome extension using C/C++. I tried to copy the whole folder of a extension in C:\Users[login_name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions. After copying it I deleted the extension from Chrome and then pasted the extension folder back to its own place but it doesn’t get installed. How can I install a Chrome extension without… Read More How to install a Chrome extension with C/C++?