Firebase setup missing plugins on Root-level (project-level) Gradle file (<project>/build.gradle.kts

When I gointo to setup my firebase project and I followed firebase introductions, they say but I cannot find like this plugins in my root level build.gradle file. bellow code is my build.gradle file, Have any solotion add it, buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = ‘1.7.10’ repositories { google() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath ‘’ classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"… Read More Firebase setup missing plugins on Root-level (project-level) Gradle file (<project>/build.gradle.kts

Unable to stream API response in Flask application on Google Cloud application

I’m developing a little testing website using the OpenAI API. I’m trying to stream GPT’s response, just like how it’s done on This works just fine when running my Flask application on a local development server, but when I deploy this app to Google Cloud, the response is given in one go, instead of… Read More Unable to stream API response in Flask application on Google Cloud application

schema error when using fs.createWriteStream to write data to bigquery (node.js)

Error : No schema specified on job or table. No idea why this error is happening. The code is from documentation. I have also tried following a different format such fs.createWriteStream({sourceFormat: "json"}) – but it results in the same error. const { BigQuery } = require("@google-cloud/bigquery"); const bigquery = new BigQuery(); const dataset = bigquery.dataset("firebase_test_data");… Read More schema error when using fs.createWriteStream to write data to bigquery (node.js)

can't fetch data into a list in flutter using firebase

I’m trying to fetch data from firebase cloud firestore in flutter, but i’m struggling to save it into a specific list. Here is my code: Future<List<Intervention>> fetchInterventions() async { List<Intervention> ivs = []; final doc = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection(‘interventions’).get(); final interventionsTmp =; interventionsTmp .forEach((interventionTmp ) { ivs.add(Intervention.fromJson(interventionTmp )); }); return ivs; } and here is… Read More can't fetch data into a list in flutter using firebase

Google resource manager get all exceptions – Python

im making a python script that can manage my google projects. im having a insue with one part when i try to exclude the project its can return to me many errors. i did a peace of code to get this exception: try: # Initialize request argument(s) request = DeleteProjectRequest( name=project, ) self.project_manager.delete_project(request=request) except PermissionDenied… Read More Google resource manager get all exceptions – Python

Limiting pub/sub messages

I have a service which uses google cloud pub/sub to handle a job requests, but when there is a large number of requests, it causes the docker pod to fail. how can i limit the rate of messages? >Solution : you should subscribe with flow control as seen here

moving bucket data from regional to multiregional in GCP

currently have the buckets created in multi-regional i want change that to regional, I created a new regional bucket so how to move objects in the bucket from multi-regional to regional >Solution : 1.Open the Transfer page in the Google Cloud Console. Create transfer job. source as your multi regional bucket. destination… Read More moving bucket data from regional to multiregional in GCP

Current user to string

I faced a problem with showing data. Before I used current users UID as a key but now I’m using the custom key and I don’t know how to call this key as a string in my code. My code this part ( child(user.getUid() ) FirebaseUser userUID; userUID = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); final DatabaseReference NameRef = database.getReference().child("No… Read More Current user to string