Why after adding elements to the document the addEventListener stop working?

I have two .addEvenetListener in my code but one of them stop working after adding a div to my document.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { mouseMove(e) }, false); document.body.addEventListener("click", function(e){ e = e || window.event; if (e.which == 1) fire(); }, false); function fire(){ let bullet = `<div class="bullet" style="left:${shooterPlace.x}px;top:${shooterPlace.y}px;"></div>`; document.getElementById("space").innerHTML += bullet; } After clicking, the… Read More Why after adding elements to the document the addEventListener stop working?

map() shows new messages from state only if I type something into input

Every time I send a message, map() only shows my new message when I type something in the input (re-render). The listener works fine, it displays new messages in the console immediately after sending a new message, curiously, the messages state also updates when I look in React Developers Tools, But useEffect[messages] does not trigger… Read More map() shows new messages from state only if I type something into input

Why is BigInt not a constructor function, unlike Number, Boolean and String?

Number, Boolean and String are constructor functions that correspond to those primitive types. BigInt is a function that corresponds to the BigInt primitive type, but it is not a constructor function. new BigInt(1n) // Uncaught TypeError: BigInt is not a constructor Why? >Solution : The functions for new primitive types (Symbol, BigInt) don’t get construction… Read More Why is BigInt not a constructor function, unlike Number, Boolean and String?