Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

I have now spent more than a few hours on this issue and I felt that it was time to reach out for some assistance because clearly I am missing some fundamental concepts about JSON schema validation that I thought I understood. Here’s some JSON that I actually expect not to pass the validation of… Read More Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

cannot cast to jsonb if non-negative numeric vlaue have plus sign

the following command working select ‘[0,1, -2, -0.3444, 5.6]’::jsonb; However the following 3 not working. select ‘[0,1, -2, (+0.3444), 5.6]’::jsonb; select ‘[0,1, -2, +0.3444, 5.6]’::jsonb; select ‘[0,1, -2, +0, 5.6]’::jsonb; The following working. select +0.1; select (+0.1)::text; >Solution : The first working example is a string containing a valid JSON document being cast as JSONB;… Read More cannot cast to jsonb if non-negative numeric vlaue have plus sign

Make columns within a list in HTML/CSS

I have an unordered list in which I am displaying some objects. These objects have multiple attributes which I want to display. I made this in Python Flask and jinja. <li class="list-group-item"> <a href="link">{{}}</a> <label id="min">Min. value:<input type="number" id="min" name="min-val" min="1" max="100"></label> <label id="max">Max. value:<input type="number" id="max" name="max-val" min="1" max="100"></label> <p id="average_rank">{{‘%0.2f’ % average_rank|float}}</p> <p… Read More Make columns within a list in HTML/CSS

validate data using map function

I would like to validate data using map.I would like to get the key name and check some conditions const obj = { firstName: [‘errorFirstName’, ‘msgFirstName’], lastName: [‘errorLastName’, ‘msgLastName’], middleName: [‘errorMiddleName’, ‘msgMiddleName’], } if (Object.keys(obj).includes(field)) { //I would like to pass here the object key length for each key :example if(this.firstName.length === 0) if(this[obj[key]].length ===… Read More validate data using map function

RegEx- first character should not contain special characters and subsequent characters should not contain few special characters

I have a specific validation scenario. The first character of the string should not contain special characters which I can achieve using /^[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};’:"\\|,.<>\/?]+$/, but subsequent characters should not contain specific special characters, which are !@$%^*+=\[\]{};:\\|<>? I tried that using regex /^[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};’:"\\|,.<>\/?][!@$%^*+=\[\]{};:\\|<>?]+$/ and negating the result but its not working. I want to allow all other… Read More RegEx- first character should not contain special characters and subsequent characters should not contain few special characters