Compressing a Picture in flutter returns null

I am trying to compress an image in Flutter and scale it to a certain format (16/9) For the compression I use the library FlutterImageCompress. However, this gives me a return value of zero. The documentation says: "Sometimes, compressing will return null. You should check if you can read/write the file, and the parent folder… Read More Compressing a Picture in flutter returns null

How to know the current "quality" of an image in golang? I need to reduce the file size

I’m trying to reduce/compress the file size of an image in golang. When i use jpeg.Encode and pass the options as param with Quality 75, an image of 10mb turns into a 18mb image…. I don’t understand why, which is the concept of quality in this library?. Also I want to know how can i… Read More How to know the current "quality" of an image in golang? I need to reduce the file size