Increment number for every instance of an element in React

I hope I phrased this question clearly. I have a small recipe app, for the recipe method I want to dynamically add Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 etc. for each step that is passed through via props. The recipe’s steps are passed through as an array of objects: recipeMethod: Array(2) 0: {step_instructions: ‘Boil Water’}… Read More Increment number for every instance of an element in React

javascript or jquery find nextSibling

I have a shopping cart view cart list count and this document <div class="input-group input-number-group"> <div class="input-group-button" onclick="decrement_cart(this)"> <span class="input-number-decrement">-</span> </div> <input class="input-number text-center" type="number" value="{{ $detail[‘product_quantity’] }}" min="0" max="1000"> <div class="input-group-button" onclick="increment_cart(this)"> <span class="input-number-increment">+</span> </div> </div> and I want to change the middle input value by clicking on increment/decrement div. note: I can not… Read More javascript or jquery find nextSibling

Uncaught (in promise) FirebaseError: No document to update

I made a firestore database that looks like this. I’m trying to make "stocks : 999" value change, so that it can be 998, 997, etc… So I followed given instructions on firebase documentation (, but I bump into an error when trying to make it work. const [stock, SetStock] = useState([]); const toUpdate =… Read More Uncaught (in promise) FirebaseError: No document to update

How to insert name filed in the query, but to the table to pass the corresponding id of that name

I have 2 tables: genres_table: bands_table: genre_id | genre_name band_id | genre_id | band_name 1 | Rock 1 | 8 | Blink 182 3 | Jazz 3 | 1 | Foo Fighters 8 | Punk 4 | 1 | RHCP Genre_id is a foreign key in bands_table taken from genre_id in genres_table. I would like… Read More How to insert name filed in the query, but to the table to pass the corresponding id of that name

Prisma – create Post with N amount of Categories (explicit Many-to-Many)

I have the most basic explicit Many-to-Many relation: model Category { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) title String @db.VarChar(24) posts PostCategory[] } model Post { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) title String @db.VarChar(24) categories PostCategory[] } model PostCategory { category Category @relation(fields: [categoryId], references: [id]) categoryId Int post Post @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id]) postId Int @@id([categoryId, postId])… Read More Prisma – create Post with N amount of Categories (explicit Many-to-Many)

Avoid unnecessary component rendering with memo in nextjs

I’am trying to understand react’s behaviour throught nextjs. I have an index.js page with one component Homecard displayed three times and one button that increment a value. Each time I click on button all Homecard components are re-render. index.js import { Homecard } from ‘../components/Homecard’ import { useState } from ‘react’ export default function Home()… Read More Avoid unnecessary component rendering with memo in nextjs