Is there a direct way to deeply nest in a JavaScript object?

In other words: can JavaScript automatically create object parents? In an example where "testObject" is already created… let testObject = {} …this throws an error… testObject.parent.child.grandchild = { foo: ‘ya’ }; This works but is a lot of code… testObject.parent = {}; testObject.parent.child = {}; testObject.parent.child.grandchild = { foo: ‘ya’ }; Things get more complicated… Read More Is there a direct way to deeply nest in a JavaScript object?

Why null doesn't work in .prototype of constructor

I am currently learning JavaScript on and I came across this statement: Link to the statement: statement But when I try this code with null in .prototype of constructor: function Rabbit() { = ‘rabbit’; } Rabbit.prototype = null; // * let obj = new Rabbit(); console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)); // [Object: null prototype] {} I get… Read More Why null doesn't work in .prototype of constructor

JavaScript rename object key based on condition

I’ve an array of objects: const arr = [{ “id”: “1”, “operation”: “ADD” }, { “id”: 2, “idmuFlag”: “Mercedes”, “operation”: “DELETE” }, { “id”: 3, “idm”: “Toyota”, “operation”: “UPDATE”, “idmuFlag”: “Ford” }, { “id”: 4, “idmuFlag”: “Bently”, “operation”: “DELETE” }, { “id”: 5, “idm”: “Skoda”, “operation”: “UPDATE”, “idmuFlag”: “Mustang” } ] const arr1 =… Read More JavaScript rename object key based on condition

Want to Print Key Values of Object But it Prints Numbers in React

Want to print key values of object but it prints numbers. How to print on the screen key values. It prints key values but also prints numbers. import Link from ‘next/link’; export default function Home() { const menu = { lorem1: "/lorem1", ipsum1: { dolor2: "/dolor2", amet2: "/amet2", }, loremm1: "/loremm1", ipsumm1: { dolor2: "/dolor2",… Read More Want to Print Key Values of Object But it Prints Numbers in React

JavaScript map id from one array of object to another

const rowData = []; const arr1 = [{ “bId”: “F1.1.4”, “bName”: “Mercedes”, “cId”: “150494”, “cName”: “Benz”, “flag”: “Maintain” }, { “bId”: “F1.1.4”, “bName”: “Ford”, “cId”: “150744”, “cName”: “Mustang”, “flag”: “Maintain” }, { “bId”: “F1.1.4”, “bName”: “Volkswagon”, “cId”: “4961”, “cName”: “Polo”, “flag”: “Maintain” }, { “bId”: “F1.1.5”, “bName”: “Isdera”, “cId”: “N/A”, “cName”: “Isdera”, “flag”: “Test” }… Read More JavaScript map id from one array of object to another