How to call internal script of pod with pre-delete hook using helm

I want to call a script internal to my pod with a pre-delete hook. With the kubernetes hooks it seems like these are executed inside the actual pod, however from what I can tell, in helm these scripts are run in a separate pod, so they will be unable to interact with any processes running… Read More How to call internal script of pod with pre-delete hook using helm

How to set values at runtime using Named templates in helm chart?

I created a simple helm chart using helm create nginx-test and it worked successfully Is it possible to set the values service.port at run-time by calling a template function as mentioned below helm install –set service.port="{{ include changePortNo . }}" nginx-test . The named template changePortNo was defined in _helpers.tpl >Solution : You can’t invoke… Read More How to set values at runtime using Named templates in helm chart?

GitHub Actions Workflow not getting Triggered

I have the following yml file as my GitHub workflow: name: Lint and Test Charts on: push: branches: [ main/master ] pull_request: branches: [ main/master ] paths: – ‘open-electrons-monitoring/**’ – "!**/" – "!images/**" – "!" jobs: lint-test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: – name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 – name: Install Helm uses: azure/setup-helm@v1 -… Read More GitHub Actions Workflow not getting Triggered

Helm – How to change the storage class used by PostgreSQL when deploying Keycloak

I am using the Keycloak helm chart from codecentric. The chart depends on the PostgreSQL chart form bitnami, and by default the PostgreSQL chart uses the default storage class. Looking values.yaml, I can see there is a section for postgresql, but there is no mention of the storage class. Is it possible to use Keycloak… Read More Helm – How to change the storage class used by PostgreSQL when deploying Keycloak

Kubernetes Helm Chart Template if-condition

In my helm template I want to have the following block: ports: – containerPort: {{ .Values.ports.containerPort | default 8080}} name: {{ | default "8080tcp02" | quote}} protocol: {{ .Values.ports.protocol | default "TCP" | quote}} {{- end }} If in values.yaml file block ports exist, then take values for containerPort, name andprotocol from there. Otherwise,… Read More Kubernetes Helm Chart Template if-condition

How to merge named templates in Helm

Suppose we have the following in, say, _helpers.tpl: {{- define "app.selectorLabels" -}} app instance {{- end }} {{- define "app.component.selectorLabels" -}} {{ include "app.selectorLabels" . }} component {{- end }} {{- define "app.labels" -}} foo: bar {{ include "app.selectorLabels" . }} {{- end }} {{- define "app.component.labels" -}} {{ include "app.labels" .… Read More How to merge named templates in Helm

How to get a value from the secret when a key contains got?

My secret file looks like: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: secret type: Opaque stringData: "": "user" "user.password": "password" And I am trying to get a value with the next code: {{- $secret := lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace "secret" -}} {{- if $secret -}} {{- print $}} The problem is "user.password" key contains a dot… Read More How to get a value from the secret when a key contains got?