laravel migrate fresh tack long time 422 tables

hi i have laravel project and im using this command to migrate database every time i want to create new project php artisan migrate:fresh its working fine in the first of working but after 3 years of working i have like 422 table and now whan i want to migrate its tack like 5 to… Read More laravel migrate fresh tack long time 422 tables

Receiving an exception and code failing when trying to delete a line from a .txt file using java

I am trying to delete a specific line from my text file using java, My code is supposed to write the file to a temp file and skip writing the username (chosen to be deleted), it is then supposed to delete the original file and rename the new temp file to match the original. The… Read More Receiving an exception and code failing when trying to delete a line from a .txt file using java

Type-inference for switch-case block with dynamic case strings

A tricky TS challenge. Say one has two objects with a type property, and a specific property, fooData or foo2Data, that is specific to the type value of the object. For example: const dynamicString: string = ‘abc’ const fooTypeName = `foo${dynamicString}` as const // const fooTypeName: `foo${string}` const foo2TypeName = `foo${dynamicString}2` as const // const… Read More Type-inference for switch-case block with dynamic case strings

MongoDB – Group and Find Top N with condition

Consider this test collection, in which an airport is identified by AirportID: { AirportID:"1001", delayMinutes :"15.0" }, { AirportID:"1004", delayMinutes :"3.0" }, { AirportID:"1001", delayMinutes :"20.0" }, { AirportID:"1002", delayMinutes :"6.0" }, { AirportID:"1002", delayMinutes :"25.0" }, { AirportID:"1004", delayMinutes :"55.0" }, I want to group it together and list the top 2 from that… Read More MongoDB – Group and Find Top N with condition

How to search json for a string and output a parent value using jq?

Trying to pull a value out with jq, but didn’t seem as easy as i originally thought. I have a variable of CAR="". How can i use this variable to return the parent "piece_cid" ? Example: Using a bash varible of $CAR with a value of, id be able to get the results saved… Read More How to search json for a string and output a parent value using jq?

Regex character limit not working with unicode limitaion

I’m writing JavaScript. I got this regex which does not allow Russian or Arabic chars. /[^\u0621-\u064A]+[^\u0401\u0451\u0410-\u044f]/ I need to limit characters to up to 10. I tried to add {0,10}$ as suggested in this post and others: /[^\u0621-\u064A]+[^\u0401\u0451\u0410-\u044f]{0,10}$/ // try 1 /[^\u0621-\u064A]{0,10}$[^\u0401\u0451\u0410-\u044f]/ // try 2 None of them working. The a-z example in the post… Read More Regex character limit not working with unicode limitaion

Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly

I’ve been working on making a simple website that handles information for a MySQL database of books. Intro/Problem: I’ve gotten the server (spring-boot), database (MySQL) and website (React) running as they’re expected to with the sole exception of one particular GET request even though there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it at all.… Read More Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly