Plot looks different everytime i run the code

I have a problem with my code. It looks different everytime i run it. Any ideas? I don’t see any problem. I am looking at this code since 2h and I can’t find the problem… import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats x = np.arange(0,24, 1) y = stats.poisson.pmf(x, mu=13)… Read More Plot looks different everytime i run the code

Flutter Map<String, dynamic>: Issues to get data from Firestore

I’m trying the get data from Firestore but I have a issues on Map<String, dynamics>. Any idea how to fix this issues? final QuerySnapshot result = await firestore.collection(‘markers’).get(); final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents =; int count = 0; documents.forEach((data) { Map<String, dynamic> datos =; GeoPoint tmp = datos[‘position’]; if (count < int.parse( count = int.parse(;… Read More Flutter Map<String, dynamic>: Issues to get data from Firestore

How to choose one row out of several of equal value in a column, depending on the highest value of another column?

So I have a data frame such as this, containing species names, IDs, markers, and size of DNA sequences: Species | ID| marker| size —————————————————– Tilapia guineensis | 1| co1 | 400 Tilapia guineensis | 1| co2 | 300 Tilapia guineensis | 1| co2 | 700 Tilapia guineensis | 1| co2 | 900 Tilapia zillii… Read More How to choose one row out of several of equal value in a column, depending on the highest value of another column?