method doesn't fill the array with correct values – instead it leaves it at null

I originally simply had a hardcoded array with all the names of the players at each position, but then tried to automate it by splitting it based on two other arrays. I am more of a beginner coder, so I don’t understand where it went wrong. Additionally, line 20 was a suggestion by IntelliJ I… Read More method doesn't fill the array with correct values – instead it leaves it at null

How to use Array find method in javascript: expected undefined to equal '2015'

I am new to coding and currently learning javascript. I am trying to write a function that uses find() to return the year of superbowl win ("W"). This is the array object const record = [ { year: "2018", result: "N/A"}, { year: "2017", result: "N/A"}, { year: "2016", result: "N/A"}, { year: "2015", result:… Read More How to use Array find method in javascript: expected undefined to equal '2015'

Call functions using dictionaries in python

Let’s say that I have this pseudo code: x11 = { "exec": { "test1": "test1" }, "mount": { "test2": "test2" }, "unmount": { "test3": "test3" }, } def get_exec(dict1): return dict1["test1"] def get_mount(dict1): return dict1["test2"] def get_unmount(dict1): return dict1["test2"] x1 = ["exec", "mount", "unmount"] for elem in x1: e1 = x11.get(elem) get_e = { "exec":… Read More Call functions using dictionaries in python

C# return IWebElement (selenium) causes NullReferenceException

I am new to C# and working with methods. My attempt was to create a seperate method for logging the user in. The Code looks something like public IWebDriver bot; void DataGrabber(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string user = "…"; string pass = "…"; UserLogin(user, pass); bot.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); //NullReferenceException gets raised here } static IWebDriver UserLogin(string… Read More C# return IWebElement (selenium) causes NullReferenceException

Why isn't VS Code providing autocomplete for methods on the return type of my JavaScript function?

I am working on a web development project using Visual Studio Code and JavaScript. In my code, I have a function that creates a new div element and assigns it to a variable named newDiv. Here is the code: function createNode(tag,id) { let newNode = document.createElement(tag) = id; return newNode; } let newDiv =… Read More Why isn't VS Code providing autocomplete for methods on the return type of my JavaScript function?

Why some methods we can apply to an object and define it in a variable, but for some we cant?

if we have a file, we can read the lines and store it in a variable. such as: with open(‘’, ‘r’) as file: f = file.readlines() however, for some methods we can’t add it to an object (sort it) and store in a variable: cars = [‘Ford’, ‘BMW’, ‘Volvo’] y = cars.sort() print(y) And we… Read More Why some methods we can apply to an object and define it in a variable, but for some we cant?