How to update first element in array object

My document is { _id: 1, age: "young", hobby: [ { vehicle: "car", velocity: "fast" }, { vehicle: "motorcycle", velocity: "fast" } ] } My goal is: when age became old, first hobby became "slow" but others remain "fast" My code is: mongoTemplate.updateFirst( Query.query(where("_id").is("1")), Update.update("age", "old") .set("hobby.$[elem].velocity", "slow") .filterArray(Criteria.where("elem").is(0)), "collection name") But it does not… Read More How to update first element in array object

Store employee info in mongo DB for entire country(considering more than 50 millions records)

I’ve to store employee(considering 50 millions records for future) data for each company(let’s say more than 1000 companies) what approach I should follow. #1- Should I use single collection for user’s info? #2- Should I use multiple collection on the basis of states of country(I’m thinking to create separate collection for each state of the… Read More Store employee info in mongo DB for entire country(considering more than 50 millions records)

How to set new index for Pandas dataframe from existing column that has duplicates?

I am grabbing data from a MongoDB database and converting it into a Pandas dataframe for additional operations to be done later. The MongoDB database contains a bunch of time-based entries and due to how they are stored, each sample for each channel is its own document. Some of these channels always sample at the… Read More How to set new index for Pandas dataframe from existing column that has duplicates?

The image cannot be displayed after posting a new form data

Profile.jsx const Profile = () => { const [auth, setAuth] = useAuth() const [name, setName] = useState("") const [email, setEmail] = useState(""); const [password, setPassword] = useState(""); const [phone, setPhone] = useState(""); const [address, setAddress] = useState(""); const [photo, setPhoto] = useState("") const navigate = useNavigate() console.log(photo.path) useEffect(() => { const { name, email, phone,… Read More The image cannot be displayed after posting a new form data

How to load data dynamically into a html div from a mongoDb server using node.js

Before you downvote me to oblivion please read the rest of the details: I would like to load data dynamically to html elements using data from mongoDb, I am running node.js on the backed, and would like to know the best practices when it comes to load the data, are there any premade-workflows that will… Read More How to load data dynamically into a html div from a mongoDb server using node.js

Class type in java -spring mongodb source code

I was going through the source code of Spring-MongoDB project. Here I found a Type called Class like below private final Class<I> inputType; I became curious as to what is this Class type , I looked up if there is any keyword of java which pertains to any Type Class, I haven’t found any,… Read More Class type in java -spring mongodb source code

Updating document with id from other action using previous id (nodejs & mongodb)

I have something I cant find a solution for … Let me explain in in short: Step 1. Create a new collection in document A Step 2. Use this id and create a new collection in document B Step 3. Update collection from step 1 with the id from step2 In nodejs: DocumentA.create({something}) .then((result)=>{ DocumentB.create({x… Read More Updating document with id from other action using previous id (nodejs & mongodb)