placing images on a pygame grid

The red and blue sides would each have their tiles replaced by an image (not one image overlapping them all, but one image pasted onto each tile). I’m not really sure how to go about it, and any help would be appreciated! import pygame TILESIZE = 22 margin = 1 BOARD_POS = (10, 10) def… Read More placing images on a pygame grid

Why is my QPushButton overlapping the QMenuBar

I have this QMenuBar and I wanted to put a button on the screen and for some reason it just overlaps the menubar…? Here is my code: class LeagueHelperWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle(‘League Helper’) self.load_saved_settings() self.setup_menu_bar() self.vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(self.vbox) self.button = QPushButton(‘Test’, self) self.vbox.addWidget(self.button) self.vbox.addStretch() self.setLayout(self.vbox) def setup_menu_bar(self): menu_bar = QMenuBar(self) file_menu… Read More Why is my QPushButton overlapping the QMenuBar

Exclude overlapping events (start/end) while considering the venue_id

I have the following table: events – id – venue_id – starts_at – ends_at I found this constraint but I’m not sure I understand how I can use it to prevent the creation of overlapping events while considering the venue_id so that there can be overlapping events, but not for the same venues. for… Read More Exclude overlapping events (start/end) while considering the venue_id