Sort rather than _id and apply pagination using last record id on that in mongod and nodeJs

I’m applying **filtering **on my data using three different filters mentioned in my code. this is my code /* Initialize pipeline */ const pipeline = []; /* All reviews of Auth Host */ pipeline.push({ $match: { host_id: new ObjectId(host_id) }, }); /* High rated on top */ if (filter && filter == "Highest Rated") {… Read More Sort rather than _id and apply pagination using last record id on that in mongod and nodeJs

Next Page not opening using Selenium

<li class=”item pages-item-next”> <a class=”action next” href=”; title=”Next”> <span class=”label”>Page</span> <span>Next</span> </a> </li> Above is the code of HTML, i’m trying to click next page using selenium in python, but it is not clicking. my code is down here: x=browser.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME,’’) why i’m getting this error: ElementNotInteractableException Any help would be appreciated. >Solution : Root… Read More Next Page not opening using Selenium

Error Call to a member function paginate() on string

I’m currently working on a search data filter and when I click it it’s an error Call to a member function paginate() on string Controller public function index(Request $request){ if($request->has(‘search’)){ $data = rekap::where(‘costumer’,’LIKE’,’%’ .$request->search. ‘%’->paginate(5)); }else{ $data = rekap::paginate(5); } return view(‘rekap’, compact(‘data’)); } View <form action="/rekap" method="GET"> <div class="input-group mb-3"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Cari…"… Read More Error Call to a member function paginate() on string

NameError uninitialized constant JobsController::Pagination using no gems in Ruby

Using Rails 6.1.6 and Rails 2.7.0. and am following an article for adding pagination in Ruby using no gems. I’m running into a NameError exception for my Pagination module. Not certain if the naming of the hierarchy in the module is incorrect. Pagination Helper module PaginationHelper def paginate(collection:, params: {}) pagination =, params) [… Read More NameError uninitialized constant JobsController::Pagination using no gems in Ruby

Parse JSON into nested structs

type APIResponse struct { Results []Result `json:"results,omitempty"` Paging Paging } type Result struct { Id string `json:"id"`, Name string `json:"name"`, } type Paging struct { Count int `json:"count"` Previous string `json:"previous"` Next string `json:"next"` } func Get(ctx context.Context) APIResponse[T] { results := APIResponse{} rc, Err := r.doRequest(ctx, req) if rc != nil { defer rc.Close()… Read More Parse JSON into nested structs

Looking to place text over image in React

I have a Splideslide element in react and am looking to move the description text over the image for each element. Currently the code I have is: import {useEffect, useState} from “react”; import styled from “styled-components”; import {Splide, SplideSlide} from “@splidejs/react-splide”; import “@splidejs/splide/dist/css/splide.min.css”; function Popular() { const [popular, setPopular] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { getPopular();… Read More Looking to place text over image in React

javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find kg.library.spring.library_spring.entity.Author with id 10000001

I’m new to Spring and I’m probably making the dumbest mistake, but I can’t solve this problem for more than 2 hours. According to the video tutorial, I did Pagination, I did it exactly like his, but he did not have relationships between entities. I think the error is in a one-to-one relationship between Author… Read More javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find kg.library.spring.library_spring.entity.Author with id 10000001