Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

I have now spent more than a few hours on this issue and I felt that it was time to reach out for some assistance because clearly I am missing some fundamental concepts about JSON schema validation that I thought I understood. Here’s some JSON that I actually expect not to pass the validation of… Read More Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

Property not displaying in inspector, even with [field: SerializeField]

I’ve started using [field: SerializeField] to serialize properties so they show up in the inspector, like so: [field: SerializeField] public int foo { get; private set; } However, when I add functionality to the the property, it stops working. private int _bar; [field: SerializeField] public int bar { get { return _bar; } set {… Read More Property not displaying in inspector, even with [field: SerializeField]

Javascript class property returning undefined despite assignment

I cant seem to re-define the authToken property at all, and outside the scope of the constructor, it just returns undefined no matter what, whether i’m referencing it in File 1 or File 2. Below is some example code. File 1: class Clazz { authToken; constructor() { getAuthToken().then((token) => { this.authToken = token; }); }… Read More Javascript class property returning undefined despite assignment

How to pass an object property reference to a functon

I want to return an object’s property value from a function but I don’t know how to pass the property reference to the function class my_class: my_property = 0 c = my_class() print (c.my_property) def property_value(o, p): return o.p my_property = ‘my_property’ print (property_value(c, my_property)) 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\", line 11,… Read More How to pass an object property reference to a functon

length property of an html element

I can’t understand this code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h2>JavaScript HTML Events</h2> <p>Click the button to display the date.</p> <button onclick="displayDate()">The time is?</button> <button onclick="displayDate1()">The time is?</button> <button onclick="displayDate2()">The time is?</button> <script> function displayDate() { var x = document.querySelectorAll("p").length; document.getElementById("d").innerHTML = x; } function displayDate1() { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("d").length; document.getElementsByClassName("a").innerHTML = x; } function… Read More length property of an html element

Will a String Get-only Lambda property always return a new object, or is it cached?

I have a class I called FileFilter. It is a pretty basic class, whose goal is to facilitate creation of the file filters for file browsing dialogs. Class FileFilter{ Public Name { get; } Public Extension { get; } Public FileFilter => String.Format(“{0}{1}|{1}”, Name, Extension); } I don’t anticipate having to access the ‘FileFilter’ property… Read More Will a String Get-only Lambda property always return a new object, or is it cached?

Cleanest way to set multiple object keys

Hi I was working on a text parser and I was wondering if there was a clean to rewrite the following code. Concerning the way that an object’s properties are set. //In the real case the parser returns varying result based on the param const parserResult = {‘value’:2,’syntaxError’:false,’NaNError’:false} const {value,syntaxError,NaNError} = parserResult const param =… Read More Cleanest way to set multiple object keys