How to merge multiple models into one common schema in Fastapi

I recently started studyingfastapi and can’t serialize response schema. Got two model object, but I could not bring it to a specific scheme. Without using response_model, I just get the following response: { "OcProduct": { "viewed": 617, "product_id": 160, "model": "name", "stock_status_id": 6, "image": "catalog/product/test.jpg", "status": 1 }, "OcStockStatu": { "name": "Out Of Stock", "language_id":… Read More How to merge multiple models into one common schema in Fastapi

How to set swagger ui to use list fields in query parameters with FastAPI

When making an app that uses dependency injection with a list field, the parameter automatically goes to the request body in SwaggerUI: from fastapi import FastAPI, Query, Depends import uvicorn from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import List class QueryParams(BaseModel): name: str = Field(…) ages: List[int] = Field([]) app = FastAPI() @app.get("/test") def test(query:… Read More How to set swagger ui to use list fields in query parameters with FastAPI

pydantic – json keys are not valid python field names

I have a json with keys containing characters that a python field name can’t contain: { "mlflow.source.git.commit": "fbe812fe", "other.key": "other.value" } How to use pydantic to parse such a json? I’d like to give it an alias and actual key name, like class Tags(pydantic.BaseModel): commit = field(key="mlflow.source.git.commit", type=str) >Solution : This is possible using pydantic.Field(alias="…"):… Read More pydantic – json keys are not valid python field names

FASTAPI: what is the difference in setting optional fields?

i have 2 optional fields publish and ratings, here is my code class POST(BaseModel): title: str content: str published: bool = True rating: Optional[int] = None They both result in optional field, so what is the difference between two? if i try something like this, this also works class POST(BaseModel): title: str content: str published:… Read More FASTAPI: what is the difference in setting optional fields?

Generate and apply an unique value to a field from a pydantic model each time an object is initialized

I’m making a model using pydantic and I’d like to declare a field which gen a random value (like an id) every time an object is created. I don’t want to have to pass the value of that field when initializing the object, here is a quick example of what i want using python class… Read More Generate and apply an unique value to a field from a pydantic model each time an object is initialized

Can I somehow reference a Python class that is declared later than the class from which I need to reference without changing their order?

I have these two Python classes(Pydantic schemas which represent SQLAlchemy models): class Role(RoleBase): id: int users: list[User] = [] class Config: orm_mode = True class User(UserBase): id: int date_created: datetime.datetime profile_image: Optional[str] = None class Config: orm_mode = True I’ve tried to do it with ForwardRef: User = ForwardRef(‘User’) … users: list[User] = [] or… Read More Can I somehow reference a Python class that is declared later than the class from which I need to reference without changing their order?

How to set type hint on field when creating dynamically creating a class

For reasons beyond the scope of this question, I’d like to create a dynamic Python-Pydantic class. I’m close, but am not aware of how to add the type hint. Given: class MyClass(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.allow schema_extra = { ‘$id’: "", ‘$schema’: "", ‘title’: ‘pattern="^.+-.*"’ } if __name__ == ‘__main__’: cls = type(‘A’, (MyClass,),… Read More How to set type hint on field when creating dynamically creating a class

How to include $id fields in Pydantic.schema()

According to, it is best practice to include the $id field with objects. I’m struggling with how to get this at the top level, for example; class MySchema(BaseModel): id: str = Field(default="http://my_url/my_schema.json", alias="$id") if __name__ == ‘__main__’: pprint(MySchema.schema()) yields {‘properties’: {‘$id’: {‘default’: ‘http://my_url/my_schema.json’, ‘title’: ‘$Id’, ‘type’: ‘string’}}, ‘title’: ‘MySchema’, ‘type’: ‘object’} How do I… Read More How to include $id fields in Pydantic.schema()

How to include $id fields in Pydantic.schema()

According to, it is best practice to include the $id field with objects. I’m struggling with how to get this at the top level, for example; class MySchema(BaseModel): id: str = Field(default="http://my_url/my_schema.json", alias="$id") if __name__ == ‘__main__’: pprint(MySchema.schema()) yields {‘properties’: {‘$id’: {‘default’: ‘http://my_url/my_schema.json’, ‘title’: ‘$Id’, ‘type’: ‘string’}}, ‘title’: ‘MySchema’, ‘type’: ‘object’} How do I… Read More How to include $id fields in Pydantic.schema()