How to customize options in react-select?

I’m using react-select but I have a data in object not in array & in options only accepting array values. How can I solve it? <Select options={ccUsers} onChange={handleChange} /> Working data :- const ccUsers = [ { value: ‘One’, label: ‘One’ }, { value: ‘Two’, label: ‘Two’ }, ]; But getting data in this format… Read More How to customize options in react-select?

How do I keep and append placeholder text into the selected value in React Select?

Let’s say I have a React Select with a placeholder (‘Selected Value: ‘), and I want to keep the placeholder and append it into the selected value so that it looks something like (‘Selected Value: 1’). Is there any way to do it? import Select from "react-select"; export default function App() { const options =… Read More How do I keep and append placeholder text into the selected value in React Select?

React-Select confusing color options

I am using React-Select library and there are codes like this: <SortableSelect useDragHandle axis="xy" onSortEnd={onSortEnd} distance={4} getHelperDimensions={({ node }) => node.getBoundingClientRect()} isMulti options={selectableData} labelKey="username" onChange={onChange} components={{ MultiValue: SortableMultiValue, MultiValueLabel: SortableMultiValueLabel, }} className={classOfSelect} defaultValue={ selectableData && selectableData.length >= 2 ? [selectableData[0], selectableData[1]] : []} closeMenuOnSelect={false} /> I have read the official document however It is not… Read More React-Select confusing color options

React react-select / Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop

I use react-select I get nex warning from react Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop. My component: import React from "react"; import Select from "react-select"; import styles from "./Filter.module.scss"; interface SearchBarProps { setParametr: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string>>; data: Array<{ name: string; value: number }>; placeholder: string; } export const SearchBar: React.FC<SearchBarProps> =… Read More React react-select / Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop

React-select how to render only option values that are not undefined

I need to render my Option values based on if/else that will show only option related to parameter from query const renderLsit = useMemo(() => { return mediaCategories?.Entities?.map((category, _) => { if ( category.CategoryTypeCode === MediaCategoryType.Other && params.type === "categories" ) { return { value: category.CategoryId, label: category.CategoryName, index: category.CategoryId, }; } else if (… Read More React-select how to render only option values that are not undefined

REACT-SELECT defaultValue in CustomDropdown not working

I want the default value of my dropdown to be defaultValue={item.taste} (value from match.json) but it’s not working… (go to /menu/Menu1 and Pea Soup) import Select from "react-select"; export default function CustomDropdown({ style, options, defaultValue }) { return ( <div style={style}> <Select options={options} defaultValue={defaultValue} /> </div> ); } MenuItemDisplay: export default function MenuItemDisplay() { const… Read More REACT-SELECT defaultValue in CustomDropdown not working

How to set api json data to react-select default value

I want to set API JSON data to react-select default values const [tag, setTag] = useState([]) const [tag_data, setTagData] = useState([[]]); useEffect function for call API and get the JSON data useEffect(() => { (async () => { const tag_result = await axios(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}/tag`); setTagData(; })(); }, []); Below is my API JSON data response {id:… Read More How to set api json data to react-select default value