Causing Uncaught Syntax error when clicking the dropdown list in navbar

Currently, I got an error when I click the dropdown list in my website. Error is Uncaught Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #. That error only cause when I use my website in Chrome or Edge. Currently, I’m using in IE11 and it cause no error for me but IE11 is shutting down, so I’m migrating… Read More Causing Uncaught Syntax error when clicking the dropdown list in navbar

I do not know how to limit the time in between calling my function

//let screenWidth = window.screen.width; //let screenHeight = window.screen.height; let screenWidth = 800; let screenHeight = 600; let assets = {}; let frames = 60; let score = 0; let lives = 3; let player; // let enemie; //let enemies; let bullet; //let bullets; let powerup = 0; let gameOver = true; function drawScoreBoard() { textSize(20);… Read More I do not know how to limit the time in between calling my function

How to write a test case for the icon which is not displayed on the page due to permissions

I am trying to write test cases with the different Users with their permissions. I have a situation where there are two users Admin- with full permissions Laydown User with limited access. Now I want to write a testcase when Laydown User is Logged in and hes not able to see his budget Icon. Budget… Read More How to write a test case for the icon which is not displayed on the page due to permissions

Website scrolls to top on reload in swift webview HTML CSS

I am developing a website but it scrolls to the top when it is reloaded. Is there any way to prevent this from happening as it is making it harder for the user to use. Thanks for any help in advance! Code: <head> <title class="noselect">My Website!</title> </head> <header> </header> <body id=’main’ class="noselect"> <table class="noselect"> <p>Test… Read More Website scrolls to top on reload in swift webview HTML CSS