How to pass content to child including renderable parts in Angular?

I have two components: parent and child, with the following markup. It’s vital to this example that the child fetches its own data to render and it must not be provided by the parent. As it’s design now, it works as supposed to. The parent. <h1>I’m the papa</h1> <app-lookup> <div>Some fixed content</div> <div>Some dynamic content… Read More How to pass content to child including renderable parts in Angular?

Updating React state (object array) and component rerenders, but display does not change until another state updates

I am updating a state array when a button is clicked. The component seems to be re-rendering (based on a console log and the react developer tools extension), and the updated array is logged in the console correctly – however, it won’t actually display on screen. It only displays when a different state is updated.… Read More Updating React state (object array) and component rerenders, but display does not change until another state updates

Django Exception Value: Could not parse the remainder:

Good afternoon. Tell me, please, what could be the matter – I get an Exception Value error: Could not parse the remainder: ‘(column)’ from ‘item.get(column)’ : def home(request): position = DjangoEmail.objects.get(Email=request.user).Position year_filter = Q(Year=now.year) | Q(Year=now.year-1) | Q(Year=now.year+1) if position == 7: data = Employee.objects.filter(year_filter, Mlkk=request.user).order_by(‘Year’,’OblastTM’).values(‘Year’, ‘OblastTM’, ‘Category’, ‘ProductGroup’,’NameChaine’).annotate(Januaru=Sum(‘January’)) elif position == 6: data… Read More Django Exception Value: Could not parse the remainder: