Asking the user to review the app after a certain number of launches

I’d like to ask the user to review the app after a certain number of launches. But for a reason I don’t understand, the "StoreKit review pop-up" isn’t shown. The if let scene = code is however correct because in a button it works well. import SwiftUI import StoreKit @main struct ExampleApp: App { @AppStorage("launchNumber")… Read More Asking the user to review the app after a certain number of launches

How to add new column to WooCommerce product reviews table?

I want to show a new column in WooCommerce product reviews. I tried to use below code to display new column But this code does not work. How can I do this? add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_reviews_table_columns’, ‘my_custom_reviews_column’, 9999 ); function my_custom_reviews_column( $my_column ){ $new_column = array( ‘custom’ => ‘Custom’, ); $my_column = array_slice( $my_column, 0, 3, true… Read More How to add new column to WooCommerce product reviews table?

How do I animate changes one at a time in SwiftUI on a button tap?

I have a loop where I update a value that changes the view. In this example I want the updates to happen one at a time so you see it ripple across the row, but they all happen at once. struct AnimationQuestion: View { @State var colors = "🟪🟨🟧🟦🟥🟫⬛️🟩⬜️".map { String($0) } @State var reversedColors… Read More How do I animate changes one at a time in SwiftUI on a button tap?