Snackbar does not show the item name , when delete items from list in Flutter

When I delete items from a list, the snackbar does not show the item name, instead it say: "Instance of ‘IngredientList’ deleted". Is it because .showSnackBar is desprecated? How to fix that? showSnackbar(context, ingredient, index){ Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar( content:Text(‘$ingredient deleted’), action: SnackBarAction( label: ‘UNDO’.tr(), onPressed: (){ undoDelete(index,ingredient); }, ), )); } >Solution : The desprecated message shown… Read More Snackbar does not show the item name , when delete items from list in Flutter

ScaffoldMessenger showSnackBar on Navigator.push or .pop?

As simple as it sounds, what’s the current method to display a snackbar through the ScaffoldMessenger after a Navigator.pop into the previous page, where the snackbar is shown on the now current page (previous)? >Solution : To return data to the first screen, use the Navigator.pop() method and then show snackbar ElevatedButton( onPressed: () {… Read More ScaffoldMessenger showSnackBar on Navigator.push or .pop?

How do I add snackbar?

I dont know why the Snackbar doesnt show up.But when I delete the function off the firebaseauth it shows the snackbar. Code: MaterialButton( onPressed: (){ try{ FirebaseAuth.instance.createUserWithEmailAndPassword( email: emailController.text, password: passwordController.text).then((signedUser) { userCollection.doc(signedUser.user?.uid).set({ ‘username’: usernameController.text, ’email’: emailController.text, ‘password’: passwordController.text, ‘uid’: signedUser.user?.uid, }); Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => HomeScreen())); }); } catch(e) { print(e.toString()); var snackbar = SnackBar(content:… Read More How do I add snackbar?

Snackbar action gets null pointer after moving to another fragment

Fragment A invokes a snackbar with an action button. When user clicks action, it starts new activity with intent. It’s working fine. However, if the user moves to Fragment B while snackbar keeps appearing, then press action button, now it doesn’t start new activity but crash. How can I prevent crashing in this situation and… Read More Snackbar action gets null pointer after moving to another fragment