Why does "some string" > 0 evaluate to TRUE in R?

Why does R evaluate "string" > 0 as TRUE? I first thought this might be due to an implicit type conversion or that R interprets this as nchar("string") > 0. This does not seem to be the case: "some string" > 0 #[1] TRUE # Verify if any other comparison is true: "some string" <… Read More Why does "some string" > 0 evaluate to TRUE in R?

How to properly find the matching character in another string

i would like to know the best way to compare a single character of a string to another whole string and find the matching character so to say. The probably most important snippets of my code are the user input request: string text = get_string("text: "); and my predefined "comparison"-string= char lowerabc[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; Now,… Read More How to properly find the matching character in another string

Want get value of other list where value matched

I have two lists which are following. characteristic = [‘length’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘Thread length’, ‘space’] value = [‘length 34′,’width ab23′,’Thread length 8ah’,’space’,’height 099′] I have written a loop. temp_str = {} for x in characteristic: for z in value: if x in z: temp_str = z.replace(x,”) temp_str += ‘,’ print(temp_str) I am getting output: 34,… Read More Want get value of other list where value matched