how to set the value of an array inside a loop?

I can’t seem to figure out how to set the value of an array inside a loop… As you can see below, I retrieve some values from the database and loop through those. What I try to do here can be sum up approximately to the following: request_1(pk) getting all the bookings ids from that… Read More how to set the value of an array inside a loop?

I am trying to fetch information from phpmyadmin database, but in browser it's showing cannot get/employee and in command prompt there is no error

const { json } = require(‘express/lib/response’); const mysql=require (‘mysql’); const express=require(‘express’); var app=express(); const bodyparser=require(‘body-parser’); app.use(bodyparser.json()); var mysqlConnection=mysql.createConnection({ host:’localhost’, user: ‘root’, password:”, database: ’employee_db’ }); mysqlConnection.connect((err)=>{ if(!err) { console.log("DB connection is successfull"); } else{ console.log("DB connection failed "+JSON.stringify(err,undefined,2)); } }); app.listen(8000,()=>console.log(‘Express server is running on port number: 8000’)); app.get(‘/employess’,(res,req)=>{ mysqlConnection.query(‘SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE’,(err,rows,fields)=>{ if(!err) {… Read More I am trying to fetch information from phpmyadmin database, but in browser it's showing cannot get/employee and in command prompt there is no error

How to store data from reading lines in nodejs

Hello I have external txt file with data to my function. How can I store read line to variable const fs = require("fs"); const readline = require("readline"); const firstVariable; [it is firstLine] const secondVariable; [it is secondLine] const thirdVariable; [it is thirdLine] const fourthVariable; [it is fourthLine] const readInterface = readline.createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream("./"), output: process.stdout,… Read More How to store data from reading lines in nodejs

Parsing a stringified array to an array

I have a component that throws the following in the backend memberSince: [ ‘["2022-05-05T08:13:07.551Z","2022-06-01T08:13:07.551Z"]’ ] Is there a way to un-stringify the array content like memberSince[0].parse() or something >Solution : You can use JSON.parse() const data = {memberSince: [‘[“2022-05-05T08:13:07.551Z”,”2022-06-01T08:13:07.551Z”]’]} const result = JSON.parse(data.memberSince) console.log(result)

How to replace querystring.stringify with URLSearchParams?

querystring.stringify({ error: ‘error_status’ }) ‘querystring’ is deprecated, how would I replace it with the native URLSearchParams here? >Solution : const params = new URLSearchParams({ error: ‘error_status’ }); console.log(params.toString()); // error=error_status console.log(`?${params.toString()}`); // ?error=error_status More information at

react-native-dropdown-picker error – "onChange is not an function (In onChange(value), onChange is undefined"

Im trying to use DropDownPicker from react-native-dropdown-picker with Controllers from react-hook-form. Any ideas how to fix it? Problematic part with error code <Controller control={control} defaultValue={"Choose gender…"} name="gender" rules={{ required: true }} render={({ onChange, value, name, ref }) => ( <DropDownPicker placeholder="Select your gender" open={listOpen} setOpen={itemValue => setListOpen(itemValue)} items={listData} value={value} setValue={value => onChange(value)} /> )} />… Read More react-native-dropdown-picker error – "onChange is not an function (In onChange(value), onChange is undefined"

Javascript: how to compare two arrays of objects and remove equal values?

I have two arrays: This is the main array(im printing it in html but the user can remove objects): checkboxes = [ {name: "boxes", color: "red"}, {name: "boxes", color: "orange"}, {name: "tree", color: "green"} {name: "tree", color: "red"} {name: "tree", color: "yellow"} ] And this is the array with the items to remove in checkboxes[]:… Read More Javascript: how to compare two arrays of objects and remove equal values?