What's gone wrong with the values in this struct?

Relatively new to C and will readily concede there are things I think I understand, but probably don’t appreciate all the nuances. This is a MWE extracted from a more involved program I wrote. It compiles and runs fine, but testing reveals that the value of ev->pin is initially correct, but is incorrect after an… Read More What's gone wrong with the values in this struct?

Double curly brackets in struct when using in Decode(&struct{}{})

I have this function in some code , i dont understand what are the double curly brackets in struct that help do decide that its not 2 jsons ? How does it work ? func readJSON(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,data interface{}) error { maxBytes := 1024 * 1024 r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w,r.Body,int64(maxBytes)) dec := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) dec.DisallowUnknownFields() err :=… Read More Double curly brackets in struct when using in Decode(&struct{}{})

Remove the element of arrray which are not present in other array

I have two collections of animals. I want to delete from Animal1 any components that are absent from Animal2. struct Animal: Equatable{ var name: String var type: String static func ==(lhs: Animal, rhs: Animal) -> Bool { return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.type == rhs.type } } var animal1 = Animal(name: "tiger", type: "wild") var… Read More Remove the element of arrray which are not present in other array

Why does struct.unpack need 2 extra bytes?

I have the following struct.unpack call that fails: struct.unpack(’14x4x2i2xh8x2i’, b’\0’*46) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#88>", line 1, in <module> struct.unpack(’14x4x2i2xh8x2i’, b’\0’*46) struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 48 bytes I’ve added up the number of bytes required by the format multiple times, and I always come up with a total of 46 bytes.… Read More Why does struct.unpack need 2 extra bytes?

Copy One Struct Member to Another Struct

I’m struggling with this syntax: I have a few structs of arrays: struct Msg { uint8_t Data[DATA_SIZE]; }; struct Msg Msg_Buff[NUM_MESSAGES], Temp_Buff[NUM_MESSAGES]; and want to copy one array from one struct to another. This: *Temp_Buff[Other_Indx].Data = *Msg_Buff[This_Indx].Data; copies ONLY the first element of the array, not the whole array. What am I doing wrong? >Solution… Read More Copy One Struct Member to Another Struct

append a struct to a slice of struct in golang

I have this data model type ResponseQueryHotel struct { QueryString *string `json:"queryString"` Status string `json:"status"` Action string `json:"action"` RefCode string `json:"refCode"` Vendorid string `json:"vendorid"` SearchToken *string `json:"searchtoken"` Data struct { Hotels []struct { Data ResponseQueryHotelsData `json:"data"` } `json:"hotels"` } `json:"data"` } type ResponseQueryHotelsData struct { Hotelidvendor string `json:"hotelidvendor"` Hotelname string `json:"hotelname"` Hoteladdress string `json:"hoteladdress"` Hoteldistrict… Read More append a struct to a slice of struct in golang