PHP switch case to update array not affecting array

I’m working on developing an API integration for a small business with FedEx/UPS shipping label creators. I’m more accustomed with Python, so I’ve hit a few stumbling blocks with PHP, but this is the only one I haven’t been able to work out so far. For shipments with multiple packages, each package has to have… Read More PHP switch case to update array not affecting array

Using switch inside for loop not working as expected

var userChosenBadges – [‘Next.js’, ‘React’] function generateFrameworkBadges(userChosenBadges) { var badgeUrlArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < userChosenBadges.length; i++) { switch (userChosenBadges[i]) { case ‘Next.js’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url1’) break; case ‘React’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url2’) break; case ‘Vue’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url3’) break; case ‘Angular’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url4’) break; case ‘Svelte’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url5’) break; case ‘Laravel’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url6’) break; case ‘Bootstrap’: badgeUrlArray.push(‘url7’) break; case ‘jQuery’:… Read More Using switch inside for loop not working as expected

Is there a way to search for a value from an assortment of variables using a switch statement?

I am a novice in java, and I am trying to make a search-algorithm for this situation. I’m attempting to search through a set of 12 integers to find a value equal to 1, similar to this long if-else chain. if (var1 == 1){ break; } else if (var2 == 1){ break; } else if… Read More Is there a way to search for a value from an assortment of variables using a switch statement?

Mysterious C# error in Unity when trying to return switch

I was following a YouTube tutorial about Minecraft-style terrain generation in Unity, and during part 10 of the tutorial, a script is written that contains a function that ends in a return x switch statement. The exact contents of the switch are as follows: public static Vector3Int GetVector(this Direction direction) { return direction switch {… Read More Mysterious C# error in Unity when trying to return switch

Nested switch statement is printing the incorrect answer

import*; import java.util.*; public class Planets { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Scanner in; in = new Scanner(; boolean runAgain = true; System.out.println("Starting program…\n\n"); double weight = getWeight(); while(runAgain) { String planet = getPlanet(); calculateWeight(weight, planet); System.out.println("\nWould you like to see your weight on a different planet? (Yes or No)"); String… Read More Nested switch statement is printing the incorrect answer

"Stack overflow. Repeat 261929 times[…]" is the error message when I have debugged my code then I do not see any issues so what should I do?

I have coded every line with appropriate things, however, I received an error when I tested after selecting one of the five options from the menu which is prompting the user to choose it for register dog and so on. Therefore, I am unable to recognize any wrong with my code yet I did debug… Read More "Stack overflow. Repeat 261929 times[…]" is the error message when I have debugged my code then I do not see any issues so what should I do?