How to use `label_date_short`?

How I am using wrongly label_date_short from scales package? library(tidyverse) library(scales) date_taille <- tibble( Taille = rep(c("taille_hiver", "taille_ete"), times = 2), Date_taille = c("2016-08-01", "2016-02-01", "2018-08-01", "2018-02-01") %>% as.Date() ) ggplot(date_taille) + aes(x = Date_taille, y = Taille) + geom_point() + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "month", date_labels = label_date_short()) #or label_date() #> Error in format(x, format =… Read More How to use `label_date_short`?

regex from stringr::str_detect works, but the same regex from tidyselect::matches returns an error

I’m confused about this inconsistency in the tidyverse and am not sure what’s going on. Test data: test <- data.frame(test_gibberish = 1, test_prob_gibberish = 2) I now want to check if there is a column that ends with "_gibberish", but is not preceeded by "_prob". This one works and returns the correct result: stringr::str_detect(names(test), "(?<!_prob)_gibberish$")… Read More regex from stringr::str_detect works, but the same regex from tidyselect::matches returns an error